Browsing by Author "Siagian, Madju"
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Item THE DIFFERENCE OF PHYTOPLANKTON ABUNDANCE INSIDE AND OUTSIDE OF FLOATING CAGE IN BANDAR KHAYANGAN RESERVOIR PEKANBARU(2014-01-30) Siagian, Madju; Simarmata, Asmika H; Sihotang, CThis research has been conducted from September – October 2011 in Bandar Khayangan reservoir. This research aims to understand the difference of phytoplankton abundance inside and outside the floating cage in Bandar Khayangan reservoir. Water samples were collected from 3 stations, namely station 1 (in the upstream of the floating cage area), station 2 (in the floating cage area) and station 3 (downstream of the floating cage area). There were 2 sampling sites in each station, in the surface and in 2.5 secchi depth. Sampling was done three times, once a week. Water quality parameters measured were temperature, transparency, pH, DO, CO2, Nitrate and Phosphate. Method used in this research is a survey method. Phytoplankton were sampled using plankton net no 25 and were preserved using lugol 1% and then identifield based on Davis (1955), Prescot (1972), Yunfang (1989), and Yamaji (1995). Result shown that the abundance of phytoplankton range from 10.534 – 42.297 cell/l. The highest of abundance in station 3 (after floating cage) was 42.297 cell/l and the lowest was in the station 1 (before floating cage area) was 10.534 cell/l. Water quality parameter values were as follow: Nitrate, 0.019 – 0.034 mg/l and Phosphate 0.035 – 0.062 mg/l. Based on phytoplankton data, it can be concluded that Bandar Khayangan water can be categorized as mesotrophic.Item JENIS DAN KELIMPAHAN PERIFITON PADA TUMBUHAN ECENG GONDOK (Eichornia crassipes) DI ZONA LITORAL WADUK LIMBUNGAN KECAMATAN RUMBAI PESISIR KOTAMADYA PEKANBARU PROPINSI RIAU(2013-03-20) Siagian, MadjuA study aims to understand the types and abundance of periphyton that are attached in the stem of Eichornia crassipes has been conducted in April – May 2011. The E. crassipes samples were obtained from the littoral zone of the Limbungan Dam. Sampling were conducted 3 times, once/week at 3 stations. Water quality parameters were measured, while periphyton types and abundance were described. Periphyton samples were obtained by spraying the E. crassipes’s stem surface (5x5) cm2 with aquadest using a plastic sprayer. The periphyton were preserved with Logol 1% and were identified based on Whitford and Schumacher (1984), Presscot (1970), Yunfang (1995). Result of water quality measurements are as follows : temperature 28- 32oC; pH 5; Dissolved Oxygen : 3,46-6,48 mg/L; free Carbondioxide 6,20-8,27 mg/L; Nitrate 0,19 -1,52 mg/L; Phosphate 0,06-0,08 mg/L. There were 24 species of periphyton present and they are belonged to 4 classes, namely Chlorophyceae (12 species), Bacillariophyceae (5 species), Cyanophyceae (4 species) and Euglenophyceae (3 species). The abundance of periphyton are 812 -876 cells/cm2; Diversity Index (H’) : 4,54-4,55 and Dominancy Index :0,04-0,05. Based on data obtained, it can be concluded that the water quality in the Limbungan Dam is good and able to support the life of periphyton.Item PENGELOLAAN WADUK YANG BERKELANJUTAN DALAM RANGKA MENINGKATKAN PRODUKTIVITAS PERAIRAN(2014-04-14) Siagian, MadjuPendayagunaan sumberdaya alam di waduk yang tidak terkontrol akan menimbulkan perubahan-perubahan dalam ekosistem yang selanjutnya dapat menyebabkan rusaknya sumberdaya alam yang terkandung didalamnya. Untuk mengantisipasi hal ini perlu dilaksanakan pengelolaan yang baik sejak dini di waduk. Pengelolaan dimaksud dalam tulisan ini adalah pengelolaan terpadu (integrated management) adalah sebuah proses yang mempormosikan koodinasi pengembangan dan pengelolaan sumberdaya perairan waduk dan sumber-sumber terkait dengan tujuan untuk mengoptimalkan resultan ekonomi dan kesejahteraan sosial dalam perilaku yang cocok tanpa mengganggu kestabilan dan ekosistem-ekosistem penting. Pengelolaan ini juga bertujuan untuk melestarikan manfaat perairan waduk yang meliputi kebijakan pemanfaatan, pengembangan, pemeliharaan, pengawasan, penelitian dan pengendalian lingkungan dengan tujuan untuk mempertahankan atau memperbaiki potensi sumberdaya alam di lingkungan waduk tersebutItem Peningkatan Kemampuan Pemahaman Ekologi Perairan dengan Model Student Teams Achievement Devision (STAD) di Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan Universitas Riau, Pekanbaru(2013-03-20) Siagian, MadjuPenelitian Tindakan Kelas Ini berupaya untuk meningkatkan kemampuan pemahaman Ekologi Peralran dengan menerapkan pembelajaran kooperatif model STAD {Student Teamns Achievement Devision). Mahasiswa yang menjadi subjek penelitian adalah mahasiswa semester genap tahun ajaran 2010 - 20^11 dan mal^iswa senKister genap tahun aj^an 2009-2010 yang b^masalah dalam nilai (nilai D dan nilai E) sehingga dibuat dalam satu kelas pada semester pendek pada tahun ajaran 2011-2012. Sebelum menerapkan pembelajaran kooperatif model STAD [Student Teams Achievement Devision), mahasiswa yang menjadi subjek terlebih dulu dilakukan pre test. Hasil pre test menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan pemahaman mahasiswa mengenai Ekologi Perairan masih rendah. Jika nilai perolehan mahasiswa dikonversikan kepada peraturan akademik UNRI, sekitar 11.4 % mahasiswa yang memperoleh nilai cukup (C), 45.7 % yang memperoleb nilai kurang (D), 42.9 % mahasiswa yang gagal (E), dan tidak ada mahasiswa yang memperoleh nilai sangat baik (A) dan baik (B). Setelah penelitian tindakan kelas dilaksanakan dalam dua siklus, menunjukkan pengaruh ymig sangat nyata terhadap perolehan nilai mahasiswa. Persentase mahasiswa yang memperoleh nilai sangat baik (A) sebanyak 20.01 %, kategori baik (B) 32.85 %, kategori cukup (C) sebanyak 28.57 %, kategori kurang (K) sebanyak 8.57 % dan yang termasuk kategori gagal (E) sebanyak 10 %.. Dari data basil belajar tersebut disimpulan bahwa penerapan pembelajaran kooperatif model STAD (Student Teams Achievement Devision), pada proses belajar mengajar Ekologi Perairan layak untuk diterapkan.Item PROFIL VERTIKAL FOSFAT DAN CHLOROPHYL-A SEKITAR KERAMBA JARING APUNG DI DANAU BANDAR KHAYANGAN, PROVINSI RIAU(2014-01-30) Simarmata, Asmika H; Siagian, MadjuA research on vertical profile of Phosphate and Chlorophyl-a around floating cage area in the Bandar Khayangan Reservoir, Riau Province has been conducted on August 2011. This research aims to understand the vertical profile of phosphate and chlorophyll-a and trophic status of the water. Water samples were collected from 3 stations, namely station 1 ( in the upstream of the floating cage area), station 2 (in the floating cage area) and station 3 (downstream of the floating cage area). There were 2 sampling sites in each station, in the surface and in 2.5 secchi depth. Sampling was done three times, once a week. Results shown that Phosphate content in the surface was lower than that of the 2.5 secchi depth. In contrast, the chlorophyl-a in the surface was higher than that of the 2.5 secchi depth. Phosphate content in the surface was ranged from 0.09-0.15 mg/l, in 2.5 secchi depth was 0.09- 0.28 mg/l. Chlorophyll-a in the surface was 16.04-31.55 mg/l and in 2.5 secchi depth was 12.54-21.84 mg/l. Transparency was 53.0-68.3 cm, depth was 1.8-3.51 m, water temperature was 29.6-30.3oC, pH 5.5, dissolved oxygen was 4.5-6.0 mg/l and CO2 was 4.7-8.0 mg/l. Based on data obtained, it can be concluded that the water of the Bandar Khayangan Reservoir was very productive and able to support aquatic organisms living in that dam.Item STRATEGI PENGELOLAAN DANAU BANDAR KAYANGAN KECAMATAN RUMBAI PESISIR KOTA PEKANBARU SECARA BERKELANJUTAN(2019-11) Nurmayani, Nurmayani; Tang, Usman M; Siagian, Madju; Putra, Ridwan MandaThis research was conducted in 2019, in the waters of Lake Bandar Kayangan Samar Valley subdistrict Rumbai Pesisir city of Pekanbaru Riau Province. This study aims to analyze the extent of the tolerance of the quality of Lake Kayangan waters to fish farming (KJA) compared to the Standard Quality of PP No.82 of 2001 and analyze people activities around Bandar Kayangan Lake which led to the polluted waters as a result of daily activities. The method used is an experimental method by observing and measuring sample directly on rearing cages measure 1x1x1 m. Patin fries were stocked at the age of two weeks with the number ( 50 fries ) and 3 months time of rearing. Three units of cages were placed at each station that has been determined and Rumbai Freshwater Cultured Installation pond as control. Data were analyzed descriptively and statistically, the descriptive analysis performed on physical and chemical parameters of water based on PP No. 82 year 2001 and was associated with the growth and survival of Patin fry. Statistical analysis is using Analysis of Variance ( ANOVA ) and completely randomized design ( CRD ) with treatment of 3 times repetition. Growth and survival of Patin fry on each station were quite well where the average growth of absolute weight between 35.43-36.20 grams, the average growth rate of daily weight between 5.602-5.782%, the average of absolute growth inlength between13,61-14.10 cm, the average of daily growth in length between 2.285 - 2.321% and the survival rate between56-79%. The waters of Lake Bandar Kayangan is a waters that are so important for the life of people around Lake Bandar Kayangan especially for fish farming in Keramba Floating Net (KJA). The fish are nila fish, mas and gurami. From the results of interviews of researchers to the community around Lake Bandar Kayangan only certain types of fish are able to survive, this is due to the quality of water at Lake Bandar Kayangan can not be tolerated by other fish. But when the researchers tested the catfish seeds, the catfish still survive.Item TYPES AND DIVERSITY OF PHYTOPLANKTON IN DIFFERENT ZONES OF THE KOTO PANJANG RESERVOIR,KAMPAR, RIAU, INDONESIA(2014-01-30) Siagian, Madju; Siregar, SyamaruddinStudy on the types and diversity of phytoplankton in the Koto Panjang Reservoir (Hydro-Electric Power Plant Reservoir), Kampar, Riau, Indonesia, have been conducted from May to October 2009. For water quality analysis, samples of water were collected every month from 6 stations on the reservoir which consisted of 1 station on the riverine zone, 2 stations on the transition waters, and 3 stations on the lacustrine zone. The components of the samples have been taken vertically as well as horizontally. The diversity of the phytoplankton varies according to the zones, and there were 4 classes of phytoplankton which were consist of 6 types of Bacillariophyta, 5 types of Chlorophyta, 3 types of Cryssophyta, and 3 types of Cyaniphyta. Therefore, there were 17 types of phytoplankton have been recorded. The abundance of phytoplankton at the lacustrine zone were higher, compared to transition zone and riverine zone Such condition was estimated die to the higher of N and P ratio on the lacustrine zone compared to the transition and riverine zone. The analysis of index diversity, domination and similarity indicated that the condition of the reservoir still in suitable (balance) condition for phytoplankton without dominant species.Item UPAYA PENINGKATAN KEMAMPUAN PEMAHAMAN DASAR-DASAR AMDAL DENGAN MODEL STUDENT TEAMS ACHIVEMENT DIVISION (STAD)(2013-03-22) Siagian, MadjuUpaya peningkatan kemampuan pemahaman Oasar-Dasar Amdal dengan model STAD (STUOeWT TEAMS ACHtVEMENT OfVfSfON) m\ dA^aksanakan dengan adanva hibah penerapan model pembelaiaran inovatif yang betujuan datam peningkatan kualitas dan proses pembeiajaran di Universitas Riau, Pekanbaru. Proses belajar mengajar dengan model STAD ini dilaksanakan pada mahasiswa program studi Manajemen Sumiserdaya Perairan jurusan Manajemen Sumberdaya Perairan, Fakultas Perikanan dan llmu Kelautan, Universitas Riau. Mahasiswa yang merupakan sasaran dalam penerapan pembeiajaran model STAD ini adalah mahasiswa yang duduk pada senwster genap (semester (V) tahun akademis 2010/2011. Proses belajar mengajar dengan model STAD ini merupakan model pembeiajaran yang membagi peserta didik (mahasiswa) yang mengambil mata kuliah Dasar-Dasar Amdal sebanyak 57 orang yang dibagi daiam 6 keiompok (yaitu 3 teiompok , nnasing-masing sebanyak 9 orang, dan tiga kelompok lainnya, masing-masing sebanyak 10 orang). Pada proses pembeiajaran ini masing-masing kelompok melakukan diskusi dan membuat laporan kelompok masing-masing uotukdievaiuasi. Hasil pelaksanaan penerapan model pembeiajaran inovatif dengan model STAD menur»>ukkar) adanya penmgkatan kenwmpuan pemahaman mahasiswa yang mengambil mata kuliah Dasar-Dasar Amdal akan materi yang diberikan. Selanjutnya hasil dari pelaksanaan penerapan pembeiajaran model STAD ini menunjukkan bahwa skor nilai peserta didik (mahasiswa) berkisar dari 55 sampai dengan 87. Setelah dikeiompokkan berdasarkan niiai mutu yang berlaku di Universitas Riau, nilai mahasiswa tersebut mulai dari ketegori buruk hingga sangat balk. Dari 57 orarrg mahasiswa memenuhi standar kelulusan Ini yang memperoleh nllal C teblh banyak Jlka dJbandJngkan der^an nWal B dan njtej A, masing-masing 49>12%, 333% dan 14,04.%. Jika nilai ini dibandingkan dengan nilai sebelumnya menunjukkan adanya peningkatan dari nilai D ke nllal C, dari nllal C ke nilai B, dari nllal B ke nllal A dan tidak ditemukan mahaaswa yang ga^al. Mengingat jumlah mahasiswa yang mendapat kategori nilai cukup lebih banyak dibandingkan dengan kategori balk dan kategori sangat balk maka disarankan dalam pengelompokan mahasiswa agar jumlah setiap kelompok sebanyak 5-6 orang dan mencari model pembeiajaran yang lain sehingga kategori nilai cukup semakin berkurang dan kategori nllal balk dan sangat balk semakin meningkat.