Browsing by Author "Restuhadi, Fajar"
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Item Analisis Efisiensi Produksi Usahatani Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit Swadaya (Studi Kasus Pada Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit Swadaya di Perbatasan Desa Dayo dengan Desa Tapung Jaya, Kecamatan Tapung, Kabupaten Rokan Hulu)(2014-02-15) Anjur Erik Hermade, Saragih; Tarumun,Suardi; Restuhadi, FajarThis research was conducted to analyze the production efficiency of self-supporting palm plantation in area of the research, production efficiency consist of technical efficiency, price/allocative efficiency, and economic efficiency. Production efficiency influenced by direct production factors and undirect production factors. Direct production factors consist of Labours, Urea fertilizer, TSP fertilizer, Dolomit fertilizer and Herbicides dosage. Undirect production factors consist of Age, Experience of planting palm, Formal education, and Land suitability. All of the production factors formulated simultaneously in Cobb-Douglass frontier production function with MLE (maximum likelihood estimation) method wich analyzed by Frontier 4.1 computer program. The result of the researh show that technical efficiency value is 93 %, price/allocative efficiency value is 4.78 and economic efficiency value is 4.44. Age factor influenced positively to production inefficiency, it mean older age more efficient than younger age. Experience of planting palm factor influenced negatively to production inefficiency, it mean longer experience of planting palm more efficien than shorter experience of planting palm. Formal education factor influenced negatively to production inefficiency, it mean longer formal education more efficien than shorther formal education. Land suitability factor influenced negatively to production inefficiency, it mean suitable land more efficien than suitable enough land.Item FORMULASI BACILLUS SP SEBAGAI ANTIMIKROBA DAN PUPUK ORGANIK(2014-06-11) Puspita, Fifi; Restuhadi, Fajar; Zul, DelitaPenggunaan Bacillus sp dalam mengendalikan penyebab penyakit seperti jamur bercak daun, hawar daun mempunyai beberapa kendala di antaranya adalah tidak dapat bertahan (survival) terutama di filosfer, penanganan penyimpanan dan transportasi. Untuk mengatasi permasalahan ini maka dicari suatu formulasi untuk mempermudah aplikasi dan mempunyai kemampuan patogenisitas yang lama maka formulasi yang akan digunakan adalah formulasi dalam bentuk tepung (powder) berbahan aktif Bacillus sp. Bacillus sp jika dikombinasikan dengan bahan-bahan amandement diharapkan dapat mengoptimalkan daya kerja Bacilllus sp karena bahan-bahan amandemen seperti limbah sagu, limbah padat kelapa sawit mampu menyediakan nutrisi terhadap Bacillus sp. Aplikasi yang banyak dilakukan dan paling mudah digunakan untuk perbanyakan masal atau formulasi Bacillus sp adalah dalam bentuk tepung. Pembuatan formulasi Bacillus sp (BioBs-L WP) yang meliputi tahapantahapan sebagai berikut: perbanyakan masal Bacillus sp, persiapan bahan-bahan amandemen, produksi masal BioBs- L WP, pembuatan formulasi BioBs- L WP. Hasil uji keempat formulasi Bacillus sp sebagai antimikroba mampu menghambat pertumbuhan X. oryzae pv oryzae secara in vitro. Hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa formulasi BS-TSG dan BS-TK mengandung unsur hara makro N 1.65 % dan 1.64%. dan P dan K tertinggi terdapat pada formulasi BS-LPS yaitu 2.17 % dan 3.67%. Unsur hara Ca (ppm) yang tertinggi terdapat pada formulasi Bs-TKU yaitu 29.9 ppm(tinggi), Mg tertinggi terdapat pada formulasi Bs- TKU yaitu 11,28 (tinggi). Kandungan Fe tertinggi yang terdapat dalam formulasi BS- TKU yaitu 298,96 ppm (tinggi) dibandingkan dengan formulasi lainnya. Kandungan Cu dan Zn tertinggi terdapat paa formulasi BS-LPS yaitu 170.10 ppm (tinggi) dan 465.34 ppm.Item OPTIMASI EKSTRAKSI DAN KARAKTERISASI SIFAT FISIKO-KIMIA MINYAK DARI BIJI PICUNG (Pangium edule Reinw)(2016-09-29) Ayu, Dewi Fortuna; Restuhadi, Fajar; picung kernel oilThe aim of this research was to find the optimum extraction and physical-chemical characteristics of Picung kernel oil. The treatments were chopping and smoking of picung kernel. After smoked, picung kernels were extracted by mechanical presser in order to get crude oil. The crude oil was analyzed to determine it’s physical and chemical characteristics. The design was Randomized Block Design and arranged in factorial. The first factor was chopping and intact picung kernel. The second factor was length of time for smoking i.e. 12, 18, 24 and, 30 hours. The results showed that the treatment of chopping and smoking did not show significant difference for oil yield but showed significant difference for physical and chemical oil characteristics such as acid number, moisture content, and oil color. The optimum extraction was found by smoking picung kernel intact for 30 hours, which gave oil yield of 51.810%, iodine number of 10.179, acid number of 1.433, peroxide number of 0.208, moisture content of 0.259%, density value of 0.915 g/L, and rather yellow oil color. Iodine number, acid number, peroxide number, moisture content, density value and color of intact picung kernel oil at optimum rate (30 hours) meets Indonesian standard for cooking oil (SNI-3741-1995).Item PEMANFAATAN KOMPOS TRICHO-AZOLLA SEBAGAI BIOPESTISIDA DAN BIOFERTILIZER PADA PEMBIBITAN KELAPA SAWIT(2014-06-11) Puspita, Fifi; Restuhadi, Fajar; Nasrul, BesriBiopesticide and biofertilizer is an attractive alternative to the strong dependence of conventional agriculute on synthetic pesticides and inorganic fertilizer, which caused enviromental pollution and development of resistance strains. Azolla can fuctionable as a biofertilizer if combine with Trichoderma pseudokoningii as decomposer and biological control agent, which is expected later can act effectively to promote growth and sustainability of oil palm seedling againt Ganoderma boninese in Nursery.The aim this research to assess potential and synergy and benefits as biofertilizer if combined with Trichoderma pseudokoningii as decomposer, biopesticide, induce systemic resistance and Plant growth promoting agent. The result of this research showed that higher doses of Tricho-Azolla(50g/polybag) can suppressed the G. boninese until 86.92% so that can occur induce systemic resistance. Oil palm seedling are infested with Tricho-Azolla at dose 50 g/plybag to increase the growth oil palm in the nursery and which followed the increase of root crown.Item Pemanfaatan Simbiosis Bakteri Bacillus sp. Dan Mikroalga Chlorella sp. Dalam Menurunkan Nilai Pencemaran Limbah Cair Pabrik Kelapa Sawit(2018-03-12) Zalfiatri, Yelmira; Restuhadi, Fajar; Prasetyowati, RizkaThe purpose of this research was to get the best treatment between microalgae Chlorella sp.with some variations concentration of bacteria Bacillus sp. to reduce waste pollution of palm oil. This research used a Completely Randomized Design (CDR) with 5 treanments and 3 replications. The treatment used addition of microalgae Chlorella sp. as much 800ml/l of waste pollution palm oil with some variations concentration of bacteria Bacillus sp (0 ml/l, 0.5 ml/l, 1 ml/l, 2 ml/l, and 3 ml/l). Parameters were observed for the characteristics of waste pollution are pH, BOD, COD, TSS and Oil. The data obtained were analyzed statistically using anova and DNMRT at 5%. The treatment chosen from the result of this research was the P4 treatment with addition microalgae 800 ml/l and concentration of bacteria Bacillus sp. 3 ml/l (1,6 x 105 CFU/ml) showed the highest level of reduction which had the value of BOD 91,31 %, COD 76,02 %, Oil 85,71 % and TSS 93,93 %Item The Role Of Trichoalgae As Biopesticide And Biofertilizer(2015-02-28) Syahputra, Ahmad Anhar; Puspita, Fifi; Restuhadi, Fajar; Simarmata, Asmika HarnalinThe role of organic fertilizer is in the addition of organic matter of the soil and serves as a source of plant nutrients, improving the soil porosity which improves the soil aeration and drainage, increasing the activity of soil microorganisms, improving the structure and texture of the soil, improving soil chemical and stabilizing soil aggregation. Besides maintaining soil fertility, it also has the properties to hold water longer and does not pollute the environment. Organisms that can be used as a biofertilizer include algae, while Trichoderma pseudokoningii were supposed to function as biopesticide as well as decomposer that will decompose algae in to compost organic biofertilizer. Some Types of blue-green algae such as Cyanophyceae sp. Has the ability to perform photosynthesis and nitrogen fixation and is advantageous to become the mainstray of this study and as a source of biological nitrogen derived from natural biological body is renewable. On the other hand, Trichoderma sp is a natural decomposer that contains cullulase enzymes. The enzyme cellubiose (β-glucosidae) and chitinase enzymes can work Synergistically to accelerate the process of weathering organic matters. Moreover, Trichoderma sp. Potentially can be used to control pest and diasease and are safe for the environment and improve plant resistance by the inductionmechanism of phytoalexins production or increase plant resistance against the pathogen. The use of Trichoderma sp as decomposers of organic as well as as biological control and algae as organic fertilizer, which we call TrichoAlgae, is expected to be effective and has the potential to burn the algae into organic fertilizer, as well as a biological control against the pathogen. Based on results of an earlier research, by making innovation to a new formulation called Trichoalgae organic fertilizer it is expected to obtain a product which is the synergy of the potential and advantages of algae as an organic fertilizer combined with Trichoderma as decomposer and biological control agent, which can later be expected to contribute effectively to enhance plant growth and simultaneously improve plant resistance against the pathogen attackItem Teknik Baru Very High Gravity Fermentation Dan Suplementasi Tween80tm Untuk Optimasi Produksi Industri Bioetanol Dari Nira Nipah(2015-08-04) Rossi, Evy; Restuhadi, Fajar; ChairulKawasan pesisir Provinsi Riau dan pulau-pulau yang tersebar di sekitarnya merupakan kawasan yang kaya dengan hutan nipah. Nipah ini akan menghasilkan malai, dan bila dilakukan penyadapan akan didapat nira yang mengandung gula dan berpotensi untuk diolah menjadi etanol. Nira nipah berpotensi untuk menghasilkan 15.600 liter etanol per hektar, atau 2 kali lipat hasil yang diperoleh dari tebu, dan 6 kali lipat hasil dari jagung (Tamunaidu et al., 2011). Oleh sebab itu, strategi yang ditawarkan dalam penelitian ini adalah kajian terhadap kelayakan teknis dan teknologi dengan melakukan sejumlah eksperimen untuk mendapatkan kondisi fermentasi optimum dengan memperkenalkan proses fermentasi nira kental (very high gravity, VHG, fermentation. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan kombinasi terbaik konsentrasi glukosa dan konsentrasi Tween80™ sebagai surfaktan dan sumber nutrisi bagi Saccharomyces cerevisiae teramobil untuk menghasilkan bioetanol pada proses fermentasi nira nipah kental (VHG). Penelitian ini telah dilakukan dengan menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap pola faktorial dengan dua faktor. Faktor pertama adalah konsentrasi Tween80™ yang terdiri dari empat taraf (0; 0,2; 0,4; 0,6)% dan faktor kedua adalah konsentrasi glukosa nira nipah yang tediri dari tiga taraf (200, 250, 300g/l). Masing-masing kombinasi perlakuan akan diulang dua kali sehingga diperoleh 24 unit percobaan. Parameter kadar etanol, kadar gula, total mikroba, dan pH diamati setiap hari selama lima hari. Hasil analisis sidik ragam menunjukkan faktor pertama memberikan pengaruh nyata (P<0.01) terhadap kadar gula pada hari ke-1, 2, 3, 4 dan 5; memberikan pengaruh pada kadar etanol pada hari ke-1, dan 2. Faktor kedua memberikan pengaruh pada kadar gula hari ke-1. Pada penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa kadar etanol yang dihasilkan berbanding lurus dengan perlakuan kadar gula di awal fermentasi. Semakin tinggi kadar gula maka etanol yang dihasilkan akan semakin tinggi pula