Browsing by Author "Nasir, Muhammad"
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Item Analysis Of Multimedia Physics Learning With Integrated Packing Learning Tools In Senior High School Based On Industrial Revolution 4.0(2019-05-06) Nasir, Muhammad; Budiawati, BudiawatiThis research aims to develop and analysis of multimedia physics learning integrated with packing preparation of learning tools in senior high school. This research method used is Research and Development (R & D) with ADDIE’s model. Method steps include analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation and then emperical analysis with use it in limited class. The instrument of learning device validity developed consisted of aspect of planning, pedagogic, content and technique. The result of multimedia validation in aspect of planning got the average mark was 4.52 with high category, aspect of pedagogic is 4.53 with high category, aspect of content is 4.54 with high category and aspect of technique is 4.52 with high category empirical analysis show that α = 7.82 so multimedia in this reaserch was declared valid and realiable to use as physics learning media for senior high schoolItem THE DEVELOPMENT INSTRUMENTS OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL BASED ON CHARACTER LEARNING(2014-01-23) Fakhruddin; Nor, Muhammad; Nasir, Muhammad; Sari, Ratna Kurnia; Khairunnisa, AyuThis research aims to generate learning and assessment character instruments which appropriate to use in teaching junior high school Physics. This type of research is R and D, covering the development of a preliminary study, design, development, validation, and test the practicalities with revisions as necessary, learning devices that researcher develop such as syllabi, lesson plans, worksheets, tests of learning outcomes and instrument rating characters. Research has demonstrated the validity of learning characterized by high category, while the validity of the assessment instrument is also a high category, empirical test results obtained Cronbach alpha values for character assessment instruments 0.966, larger than the table r 0.433, meaning that the instrument is reliable. Thus it can be interpreted that the learning and assessment instruments character valid and appropiate to use in junior high school physics lessons.Item THE DEVELOPMENT INSTRUMENTS OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL BASED ON CHARACTER LEARNING(2014-01-30) Fakhruddin; Nor, Muhammad; Nasir, Muhammad; Sari, Ratna Kurnia; Khairunnisa, AyuThis research aims to generate learning and assessment character instruments which appropriate to use in teaching junior high school Physics. This type of research is R and D,covering the development of a preliminary study, design, development, validation, and testthe practicalities with revisions as necessary, learning devices that researcher develop such assyllabi, lesson plans, worksheets, tests of learning outcomes and instrument rating characters.Research has demonstrated the validity of learning characterized by high category, while the validity of the assessment instrument is also a high category, empirical test results obtained Cronbach alpha values for character assessment instruments 0.966, larger than the table r 0.433, meaning that the instrument is reliable. Thus it can be interpreted that the learning and assessment instruments character valid and appropiate to use in junior high school physics lessons.Item Metode Penghematan Energi Listrik dengan Pola Pengaturan Pembebanan(2013-05-04) Nasir, MuhammadTingkat konsumsi energi listrik PT. Semen Padang cukup besar untuk keperluan produksi. Komponen biaya listrik ini menempati urutan kedua dalam struktur biaya produksi. Karena itu, sangat perlu diterapkan pola pemakaian energi listrik yang efektif dan efisien pada peralatan produksi agar diperoleh biaya produksi yang lebih rendah. Dengan demikian akan meningkatkan daya saing perusahaan. Pada Raw Mill III-B Pabrik Indarung IV PT. Semen Padang, terdapat motor dengan rating tegangan 6 kV yang mengkonsumsi energi listrik dengan tingkat konsumsi energi listrik sebesar 17,67 kWH/ton Raw Mix. Pada kondisi ini motor beroperasi dengan faktor daya yang bervariasi dan belum pada kondisi maksimum. Untuk meningkatkan efisiensi konsumsi energi listrik dan efektifitas operasional motor maka dilakukan upaya Demand Side Management (DSM). Adapun metode yang digunakan adalah perbaikan stabilitas tegangan dengan perbaikan faktor daya sistem dan mengubah pola pembebanan motor. Dengan melakukan perbaikan faktor daya pada jaringan distribusi motor menjadi 0,97, rugi-rugi daya dan jatuh tegangan pada saluran motor menjadi lebih kecil, dengan penghematan energi listrik sebesar 1,92 kWH untuk waktu produksi 1 hari. Sementara dengan perubahan pola pembeban hingga kondisi 90 %, 92,5 % dan 95 % dari kapasitas maksimal Mill, diperoleh penghematan pada setiap perubahan pembebanan sebesar 1,13 % dengan tingkat konsumsi energi listrik 17,47 kWH/ton, 1,47 % dengan tingkat konsumsi energi listrik 17,41 kWH/ton dan 3,51% dengan tingkat konsumsi energi listrik sebesar 17,05 kWH/ton.Item MOTIVASI DAN MINAT BELAJAR FISIKA SISWA DENGAN MENGGUNAKAN PEMROGRAMAN INTERAKTIF ANIMASI DAN VISUALISASI GERAK DAN ANALISIS VEKTOR DI SMA NEGERI PEKANBARU(2014-06-26) Nasir, MuhammadThis study aims to determine the motivation and interest in learning physics students using interactive programming and vizulutation motion animation and vector analysis on high school students in grade XI Pekanbaru. The study was a quasi experiment using a control class and experimental class, the class is given experimental treatments consisted of media programming learning using interactive visualization and animation and motion vector analysis and control classes are given lessons in the normal way. Instruments used to collect data is motivation and interest questionnaire consists of indicators Caution (Attention), Relevance (relevance), self-esteem (confidence) and satisfaction (Satisfaction). Data on students’ motivation and interest were analyzed through descriptive analysis and inferential analysis. The results of research that shows there are significant differences of motivation and interest in learning physics students by using interactive media programming and animation and visualization of motion vector analysis. Analysis Of Variance By Using SPSS showed that F value 3.857 to 0.011 significantly means that there are significant differences between class motivation and motivation control and experimental class are reinforced with Homogeneity test results that indicate there are differences in motivation on the experimental class and control class.Item PEMROGRAMAN VISUALISASI GERAK PARABOLA SEBAGAI MEDIA PEMBELAJARAN FISIKA DASAR DENGAN KURIKULUM BERBASIS KOMPETENSI(2013-02-25) Nasir, Muhammad; FakhruddinIlmu fisika telah memberikan sumbangan yang sangat besar bagi manusia untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan hidupnya. Tetapi berbagai penelitian yang pernah dilakukan menemukan kenyataan bahwa sebagian besar mahasiswa tidak hanya di Indonesia tetapi juga dinegara lain mengalami kesulitan dalam mempelajari konsep, prinsip, teori dan hokum fisika. Mereka merasa bosan dan jenuh sehingga tidak melahirkan motivasi untuk belajar yang akhirnya menghasilkan prestasi belajar yang rendah. Hal ini bnayak diakibatkan karena cara atau metode yang digunakan dosen monoton dan tidak bervariasi.