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Item Pengaruh Dosis Kompos Ampas Tahu Terhadap Pertumbuhan Bibit Kakao (Theobroma cacao, L)(2013-07-11) Mulyadi; Islan; Khoiri,M. AmrulGrowth of cocoa seedlings to a maximum of one of them with the required nutrient availability in the soil. Utilization of tofu waste into compost is a waste of effort to change the negative perceptions of the environment to be beneficial to plants. This study aims to get a dose of compost tofu is best for the growth and development of the cocoa seedlings. Studies have been conducted in experimental field of the Faculty of Agriculture, University Village Rimbo Riau Kampar Regency Long District Mine Riau province for 6 months from March to September 2012. This research was conducted using completely randomized design (CRD) consisting of 7 treatments and 3 replications, each re-treatment at 3 times so it gets 21 experimental units. Parameters measured were seedling height increment (cm), increase the number of leaves, stem diameter increment (cm), root volume, and plant dry weight ratio of the root crown. Used statistical analysis using analysis of variance and tested further by Duncan's test New Multiple Range Test (DNMRT) at the level of 5%. Based on the research that has been done dosing compost tofu 250 g / polybag showed the best results on the High parameter Seeds, stem diameter, root volume and plant dry weight, so to get a good growth of cocoa seedlings can use tofu waste compost dose 250 g / polybag.Item Pengaruh Pupuk Kandang Dan Kadar Air Tanah Terhadap Produksi Selada (Lactuca sativa l)(2013-01-18) Yusrianti; Mansyoer,Arifien; IslanIndonesia's population is increasing and conscious of the nutritional requirements lead to increase the demand for the vegetables including lettuce, it make lettuce decent to cultivate more in order to supply high consumer demand and larger market opportunity. Actions that need to be considered in the planting of lettuce is attention to the factors that affect the growth and production such as soil fertility and irrigation. In doing fertilization to note a few things that will be fertilized plants, the type of fertilizer used as organic fertilizer and inorganic fertilizer and provisions. In addition to nutrient availability factors affecting plant growth is unfulfilled needs water for crops. Water requirements can be met by the plant through the soil to the mechanism of water absorption by roots. From the results of this study concluded that the growth of lettuce plants affected by factors of chicken manure and water provision as well as variations in the interaction between the two factors, the growth of lettuce plants, the better to increase the use of fertilizers in the chicken coop but lettuce plants tend to decrease with soil moisture content 100 % field capacity and the interaction treatment of chicken manure 25 tonnes / ha with soil moisture content 75% field capacity seem to be more likely to affect this kind of plant growth on plant height and leaf area of lettuce plants, whereas combination treatment of chicken manure 25 tonnes / ha with a water content 50% soil field capacity showed a better effect on the parameters number of leaves and plant fresh weightItem Pertumbuhan Bibit Kakao (Theobroma cacao L.) Dengan Aplikasi Trichoderma Sp dan Pupuk Majemuk(2013-07-31) Nasution, Nurmahanis; Islan; Saputra,Sukemi IndraThis study aimed to obtain the interaction of Trichoderma sp and compound fertilizers, and to determine the effect of Trichoderma sp and compound fertilizer in cacao seedlings (Theobroma cacao L). The research was carried out for 4 months starting from January to April 2013. The research was conducted at the experimental farm of the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Riau Jl. Bina Widya Baru Desa Simpang Kecamatan Tampan, Pekanbaru. Method using a completely randomized design (CRD) with factorial treatment. The first factor: Trichoderma sp. (T) consists of 4 levels that is without Trichoderma sp (T0), Trichoderma sp 25 g/polybag (T1); Trichoderma sp 50 g/polybag (T2) and 75 g/polybag (T3). The second factor: without compound fertilizer (M0), compound fertilizer 1 g/polybag (M1), compound fertilizer 2 g/polybag (M2); compound fertilizer 3 g/polybag (M3). Data were analyzed using ANOVA and continued with further DNMRT test at the 5% level. The parameters measured is high seed (cm), stem diameter (mm), number of leaves (pieces), and leaf area (cm2). The results showed that the interaction of Trichoderma sp give a dose of 75 g/polybag and compound fertilizer dose of 2 g/polybag well give more influence to the parameters plant height and stem diameter. Giving Trichoderma sp no real effect on all treatments. Compound fertilizers dose of 2 g/polybag gives a better effect on parameter plant height, stem diameter and number of leaves.Item Pertumbuhan Dan Produksi Kedelai (Glycine max l. Merill) Pada Kebun Kelapa Sawit di Lahan Gambut Dengan Aplikasi Beberapa Komposisi Pemupukan(2013-01-18) saputra, Riduwan; Islan; ArmainiSoybean plant development can be implemented through the utilization of palm oil plantations. Peat soils have many constraints such as low pH, and poor-nutrient. On peat soil nutrient deficiencies can be overcome by the provision of organic and inorganic fertilizers, such as TKKS compost. These organic materials affect plants indirectly through the changes in physical, chemical and biological soil. Study aims to determine the best fertilizer composition for growth and production of soybean palm oil plantations on peatland. The study was conducted in Rimbo Panjang, Tambang District, Kampar regency, in October 2011 to February 2012. Research used Completely Randomized Design (CRD), 5 treatments and 4 replications. Treatment A (without fertilizer), B (TKKS 0 tons/ha and Urea, TSP, KCl 100% recommended dose, 2 tons/ha ash bunch and 1 week of incubation), C (TKKS 5 tons/ha and urea, TSP, KCl 75% of the dose, 5 tons/ha ash bunch and 4 weeks of incubation), D (TKKS 10 tons/ha and Urea, TSP, KCl 50% of the dose, 4 ton/ha ash bunch and 3 weeks of incubation), E (TKKS 15 tons/ha and Urea, TSP, KCl 25% of the dose, 3 tons/ha ash bunch and 2 weeks of incubation). The results showed treatment E, (TKKS 15 tons/ha and Urea, TSP, KCl 25% of the dose, 3 tons/ha bunch of ash and 2 weeks of incubation, a composition of the best treatments for crop growth rate (0.37 g), the number of pithy pods per plant (71.15 units), production per plot (603.04 g) and production efficiency (1466.22%).Item PERTUMBUHAN DAN PRODUKSI KEDELAI SEBAGAI TANAMAN SELA DI KEBUN KELAPA SAWIT PADA LAHAN GAMBUT YANG DIAPLIKASI KOMPoS TANDAN KOSONG KELAPA SAWIT(2014-01-30) Nelvia; Islan; Siahaan, Dormaida FLuas perkebunan kelapa saWit rneningkat lebih tinggi dibandingiKan kornoditi Iain dari tahUn ke tahUN Perkembanganya sudah ke lahan garnbut karena lahan mineral telah habis dimanfaatkan terutama perkebunan, kelapa sawit rakyat. Produksinya pada Iahan gambut sangat rendah karena lahan tergolong rnarginal, menyebabkan lahan semakin rusak petani semakin miskin, Tandan kosong kelapa sawit (TKKS) jumlahnya rnelimpah berpotensi sebagai bahan pernbuat kompos. Konrpos TKKS mengandunghara lengkap berguna mneningkatkan kesuburan tanah garnbut, sehingga dapat meningkatkan per-tunrbuhan dan produksi kelapa sawit dlan kedelai sebagai tanaman sela. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada kebun kelapa sawit rnuda milik rakyat di lahan gambut di desa kualu Nenas. Kecamatan tambang, kabupaten Kampar.. Tujuannya adalah untuk mempelajari pemberian kompos TKKS untuk meningkatkan pertumbuhan dan produksi kedelai sebagai tanaman sela diantara tanaman kelapa sawit muda(umur 3tahun).). Penelitian eksperirnen disusun dalam bentuk Rancangan Acak kelompok (RAK) Yang terdiri dari 4 pelakuan (tanpa. -5, 10 dan 15 ton konrposTKKS/ha) setiap perlakuann diulang 4 kali. Para Meter yang vang diamatii antara lain tinggi tananran. bintil akar total dan efektif.. umur berbunga dan umur panen. Jumlah polong bernas dan persentase polong bernas pertanaman sampel. bobot biji kering per plot dan ukuran biji (bobot 100 butir biji). 0-15 ton/ha meningkatkan bintil akar total dan efektif sebesar 65-212% dan 50-160% total polong bernas pertanaman masing-masing 72-79% dan 1.95-1.15 dan bobot biji kering per plot sebesar 151-1155% disbandingkan tanpa kompos dengan ukuran biji sedikit lebih besar dari diskripsi. Serta meningkatkan tinggi tanaman secara significan. Namun tanaman berbunga dan panen 8-9 hari lebih lama dibandingkan deskripsinya.Item Sifat Fisika Ultisol Di Bawah Tegakan Kelapa Sawit (Elaeis giuneensis Jacq.) Yang Berbeda Umur Dan Kaitannya Dengan Pemadatan Tanah(2013-06-25) Panjaitan, Fany Juliarti; Wawan; IslanThe purpose of this research is to determine the physical properties of Ultisols under oil palm stands of different age and evaluate the level of soil compaction. The research was conducted by survey method. The results of observation showed that the increasing age the oil palm stands caused the physical properties of Ultisol soil, such as soil aggregate stability, pore space total, infiltration rate, soil permeability, and water content of field capacity increased, while soil bulk density, soil particle density, and soil penetration decreased on die path, the circle, and life path in the depth of 0 – 20 cm and 20 – 40 cm. The increasing age the oil palm stands showed that the soil aggregate stability, pore space total, infiltration rate, soil permeability, and water content of field capacity on die path is higher than on the circle, and the circle is higher than on life path, while soil bulk density, soil particle density, and soil penetration on die path is lower than on the circle and the circle is lower than on life path in all age the oil palm stands in the depth of 0 – 20 cm and 20 – 40 cm. The increasing age the oil palm stands decreased the soil compaction level in the depth of 0 – 20 cm and 20 – 40 cm on die path, the circle, or life path.