Browsing by Author "Ernawati"
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Item Analisis Kinerja Pelayanan Publik Instansi Pemerintah Di Riau(2015-07-30) Sadad, Abdul; Ernawati; Melani, NurlailaDengan diberlakukannya Undang Undang No. 22 Tahun 1999 dan kemudian dirubah menjadi Undang-Undang No. 32 Tahun 2004 tentang Pemerintahan Daerah sebagai penganti Undang Undang No. 5 Tahun 1974, diskusi tentang efektivitas pelayanan publik dalam otonomi daerah menjadi semakin menarik untuk dibicarakan. Permasalahannya karena sudah 2 (dua) kali perubahan undang-undang tersebut dilakukan, namun peningkatan pelayanan publik publik sebagai sasarannya selalu dipertanyakan, bahkan ada diskusi yang membahas bahwa Undang-Undang No. 32 Tahun 2004 perlu adanya perubahan. Undang-undang ini merupakan implimentasi pasal 18 ayat (1) UUD 1945 yang mengatakan bahwa Negara Republik Indonesia merupakan negara kesatuan yang dibagi atas daerah-daerah propinsi dan propinsi terdiri dari daerah kabupatendan kota yang mempunyai pemerintahan daerah yang diatur dalam undang-undang. Pada pasal 2 ayat (2) menyebutkan bahwa pemerintah daerah propinsi, daerah kabupaten dan kota mengatur dan mengurus sendiri urusan pemerintahan menurut azas otonomi dan tugas perbantuan. Dalam menjalankan otonomi dan tugas perbantuan, kecuali urusan pemerintah pusat, pemerintah daerah berhak menetapkan peraturan daerah dan peraturan lain sesuai dengan ketentuan berlaku. Pada dasarnya, maksud pasal 18 UUD 1945 tersebut adalah mempercepat terwujudnya kesejahteraan masyarakat melalui peningkatan pelayanan pemberdayaan dan peran serta masyarakatItem Analisis Pelaksanaan Manajemen Pemungutan Retribusi Pasar Pada Dinas Kebersihan Pertamanan Dan Pasar Kabupaten Rokan Hilir(2016-01-05) ErnawatiImplementation of fee collection management in the market is important that the target market of fee collection / garbage can be achieved in accordance with the realization. Retribution for something important market replacement and use of certain objects for the public and private sectors, where the nature of the fee collection itself is for the financing for the successful implementation of regional development. Cleanliness of fee collection is one source of local revenue, which is used to finance the implementation of regional development. Therefore, the levy charged hygiene should be implemented and managed as well as possible by competent authorities or officers of the cleaning levy collectors. With a good implementation of the tasks expected targets to be achieved in accordance with the realization. The purpose of this study was to determine the conduct of the management of the market fee collection at the Department of Sanitation and RokanHilir market, and to determine the factors inhibiting the implementation of management in market fee collection at the Department of Sanitation and Markets RokanHilir. Theoretical concepts used in this study is the theory according Tangkilisan management, ie the management indicators are: Man / man money / money, materials / equipment, machine / machine, method / way, and the market / market. The population in this study is the Head of Markets, Head of Billing Pembukuandan market tax collector / waste is a key informant, and the taxpayer comprising residential taxpayer, the taxpayer's place of business, the general taxpayer, the taxpayer is obliged stalls and market traders tax market stall traders. This study was done by using the census, the data were processed using the tables, then quantitatively analyzed descriptively. Analysis of the results of research on the Collection of Levies Management Implementation at the Department of Sanitation Markets and Market RokanHilir, respondents are less than the maximumItem PENGARUH PENAMBAHAN LARUTAN JAHE (Zingiberoffcinale) PADA SELAI RUMPUT LAUT (Eucheumacottonii) TERHADAP PENERIMAAN KONSUMEN(2013-01-09) ErnawatiThe research was conducted at the Laboratory of Fish Proccesing Technology and Laboratory of Food Chemistry, Faculty of Fisheris and Marine Science, University of Riau in June 2012. The purpose of the research was to evaluate the effect of ginger extract on consumer acceptance of seaweed jam. About 3 kg dry seaweed were taken from a fish market in Pekanbaru. The seaweed was ground and made for jam. Four formulations were prepared by using of 250 gr seaweed with ginger extract 0 ml (control), 40 ml, 50 ml, and 60 ml. All jam weresensorically evaluated on consumer acceptance by 80 panelist. The jams were also analyzed for mouisture and reduced sugar. The result showed that the seaweed jam added with 60 ml ginger extract was the most acceptance product. Mouisture and reduced sugar of the product was 33,80% and 56,47% respectively.Item POLA MANAJEMEN SAMPAH DI KOTA PEKANBARU(2016-07-15) ErnawatiKeberadaan sampah dalam kehidupan dapat bermanfaat jika dikelola dengan baik, sebaliknya jika dibiarkan dapat merugikan. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Kota Pekanbaru. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan Survey, Observasi Lapangan, Wawancara, dan Study Literature. Analisis yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini adalah Analisis Diskriptif meliputi Lokasi Pembuangan Sampah, Struktur Organisasi Pengelolaan Sampah, Teknik Pengumpulan Sampah (Sarana dan Prasarana), dan Pemasaran Sampah yang sudah diolah. Dari hasil penelitian ternyata manajemen sampah di Kota Pekanbaru belum dilaksanakan dengan baik. Hal ini dapat diketahui dari jawaban responden bahwa sampah yang terkumpul jadwalnya tidak menentu, sehingga dampaknya sampah menumpuk setiap harinya. Oleh karena itu sampah perlu dikelola dengan baik, mulai dari perencanaan tempat pembuangan sampah, struktur organisasi pengelolaan sampah, teknik pengumpulan sampah, sarana dan prasarana yang tersedia, dan pemasaran sampah yang sudah di kelola menjadi barang yang bermanfaat.Item Upaya Pengembangan Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit Melalui Implementasi Kemitraan Yang Berorientasi Kesejahteraan Petani(2015-08-04) ErnawatiThe objective was to obtain a profile of palm oil plantations and analyze implementation carried out by the partnership for Oil Palm in Jambi Province . With descriptive qualitative analysis methods , the output is generated in this study are recommendations about the implementation of the oil palm plantations partnership to achieve an equal partnership between actors are partners in a holistic manner in order to be able to increase the added value of palm oil while enhancing competitiveness and well-being of farmers. Performance is implemented by the partnership for Oil Palm in Jambi province has basically succeeded in creating independent farmers who can channel the aspirations of farmers , but has not been run in accordance with the processes and stages of partnership management activities for Oil Palm applicable. Partnerships should be developed aimed at creating self-reliance of farmers , there is a sense of caring , a sense of togetherness , and sustainability partnership relations as a whole, not partial . Each of these actors should be able to optimize the performance of partners partnership , beginning with data collection every business activity as a whole and each provides information to all parties in partnership , namely the Company , Farmers / farmer groups / cooperatives , government , banking and other Intermediary Institutions.