The Effect Of Learning Facilities Toward Students’s Learning Outcomes Of Class X And XI Social On Economics Of SMA 3 Pekanbaru
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The research aims to investigate the influence of learning facilities to the
learning outcomes of students at class X and XI IPS on economic subjects in SMA
Negeri 3 Pekanbaru. Based on a survey that has been done by the writer at the
school, there are skill students in class XI IPS who have not reached the KKM.
While students in the class X most still many who have not reached the KKM on
economic subject which can be based on semester exam brade in 2012/2013. The
research has been done to X dan XI IPS students in SMA Negeri 3 Pekanbaru. The
number of entire class or population of X dan XI IPS class are 448 students and the
sample in this research is 82 students. The data collection techniqe is using simple
random sampling. Data collected by using questionnaire that contain the questions
about the students facilities at school or at home/ students individual property that is
then distributed to students as the respondents in this research, and this data is called
primer data. As for the secondary data in the form of the value of the second
semester of academic year 2012/2013 on economic subjects. In this study the data
were analyzed using simple linear regression. Test used in the analysis requirements
of normality and linearity test data. Hypothesis testing is done by using T test and it
can be seen that the calculated value of T (11.130)> T table value (1.664), the error
rate of 5%. Analysis of the calculation results in a simple regression equation
obtained a constant value of 21 421 and a regression coefficient or b values obtained
for 17 352. And the coefficient of determination (R ^ 2) obtained by the R value of
0.780 and the coefficient of determination (R Square) of 0.608.
The Effect Of Learning Facilities Toward Students’s Learning Outcomes Of Class X And XI Social On Economics Of SMA 3 Pekanbaru
Learning facilities, Students’s Learning Outcomes