Pengaruh Latihan Adu Cepat Menggiring Bola Terhadap Kecepatan Menggiring Bola Pada Tim Sepakbola SMK Abdurrab
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Results indicate that identification problems in vocational football team Abdurrab
not have speed in good dribbler. This is due to thelack of exercise that leads to
physical condition and technique in dribbling. Therefore this study aimed to
determine the effect of exercise significant speed race against the speed dribble
dribble the soccer team SMK Abdurrab.
This research is experimental. This research was conducted at SMK Abdurrab
football team. Data were obtained and collected through the pre test and post test
before and after exercise dribble racing. Data wereanalyzed descriptively, then
further testing hypotheses that have been proposed in accordance problem is:
there are significant racing dribbling drills (X) with the result that significant
speed dribble (Y). Based on t test analysis produces tcount ttable 10.517 and
1.771. Means t> t table. It can be concluded that Ho is rejected and H1 is
accepted at an alpha level of 0.05 with a confidence level of 95%.
The analysis showed that there is significant influence practice racing on the
speed dribble dribble the soccer team SMK Abdurrab.By applying the principles
of racing practice dribbling can effectively improve the speed dribble at SMK
Abdurrab football team
Pengaruh Latihan Adu Cepat Menggiring Bola Terhadap Kecepatan Menggiring Bola Pada Tim Sepakbola
Adu Exercise Fast Ball Dribbling, Dribbling Speed Ball