Factor Related To Status Of Children In Tenayan Raya Region And Rumbai Bukit Districts Of Pekanbaru In 2014

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Nutritional status is a medical circumstances associated with the use of food by the body. The prevalence of malnutrition in children under five in Indonesia in 2013 was 19.6% (2013). Riau Province in 2012 there were 3.625 (18.66%). Incident of BGM in Pekanbaru ranks third in Riau provinces which is 671 ( 8,4%). This study aims to identify the factors related to Nutritional Status of children Tenayanraya Region and Rumbai Bukit District ofPekanbaru in 2014. This Study was analytical design by using cas control with sistematis random sampling technique. The total number of samples were 410 respondents which divided into 205 samples cases and 205 samples as a control. Results of the bivariate selection there are seven variables with( p = 0,004; α 0.05 ) was variable mother's knowledge, education, parenting pendapatn family, health care, history of infectious diseases and environmental sanitation in multivariate there is one variable with (p = 0,004; α 0,05) in variable environmental sanitation. The conclusion of this study gained the most independent variables which are most associated are sequentially is education, knowledge, parenting, income, health care, history of infectious diseases, environmental sanitation. It is recommended to: Provide the training on how to manage food that is nutritious, health promotion Intensified by health center staff and provide health education on hygiene in the form of in the household.



Nutritional Status, Toddler
