Penurunan Amoniak dan H2S pada Air Limbah Rumah Potong Hewan Sapi dengan Proses Biofilter Bermedia Kombinasi Anaerob-Aerob Bermedia Potongan Plastik untuk Media Hidup Ikan Budidaya.
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This research has been held on October to December 2012 at cow casttle house Pekan baru city, Cipta Karya Ujung Street Pekanbaru. The arm of this research is to increase biofilter working process with old plastic bottle medium in decrease amoniak and H2S, rubbish heap water of cow cattle house until under permanent quality based on Permen LH No. 02 Tahun 2006, finally the living of fishes on the rubish heap water of cow cattle house after processing has been increase too. The water that used came from the rubbish heap water of cleaning animal and cleaning bulding in while vessel. Result of processing with reaktor medium showed that amoniak consentration reduced 70,05-22,8 mg/l with efectivity 62,14 – 83,48%. And the consentration of H2S also 12,01-0,08 mg/l with effectivity around 62,49-99,73%. The cultivation of rubbish heap water of cow cattle house with out medium has bee reduced Amoniak consentration and has too, but the effectivity of cultivated is lower. The reduce of consentration H2S Amoniak effectivity around 41,9-50,11%. Although H2S 33,79-77,14%. The research has been held 7 day with water made by control unit it make all of kind of fishes was died. The research with reaktor water made medium fishes of Jambal Siam fishes were reached 97%, Nila 80% and gold fishes 37%.
Biofilter, waste water, aquaculture fish life Media