Pengaruh Penggunaan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Numbered Heads Together (Nht) Terhadap Hasil Belajar Pkn Siswa Kelas Xi Di Sma Negeri 1 Ujungbatu Kabupaten Rokanhulu

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ABSTRAK One is a model of cooperative learning strategies Learning Numbered Heads Together (NHT) which can be used for learning any material, including Civics for learning activities. Learning strategies using Numbered Heads Together (NHT) is designed for students to increase activity in the learning process that will ultimately improve their learning outcomes, particularly in subjects Civics. Formulation of the research problem is: "Is there a difference Learning Outcomes Civics is taught using Learning Model Numbered Heads Together (NHT) with the conventional model of Grade XI at SMA Negeri 1 Ujungbatu". Retrieval of data in this study conducted in SMAN 1 Ujungbatu Rokan Hulu in August through October 2012. Total population of the whole class XI is made up of seven local where 4 local class XI Science and 3 local class XI IPS. The author took the class XI IPS 1, amounting to 29 students and XI IPS 2, which are 32 students as the sample because the two groups are homogeneous. The variables in this study consists of 2 (two) variables, namely free and bound variables. Students composed of Experiment and Control groups. Civics lessons learned material using Numbered Heads Together (NHT) is as follows: Political Culture. Data collection techniques, namely: 1) observation, 2) technical literature, 3) technical documentation, and 4) testing techniques. Further data analysis techniques using statistical analysis techniques. The results are Learning Model Using Numbered Heads Together (NHT) can improve learning outcomes Citizenship Education (Civics) to the maximum of the value - average 62.03 before getting treatment, and 80 after the experiment at the time of the post test, or a flat - flat increased 17.97 points from pre-test to post test by Class XI students of SMAN 1 IPS 2 Ujungbatu and the average value obtained for the control class before getting treatment at 62.58, and 71.72 after the treatment or control classes going flat - average increased 9.14 points from pre-test to post test by Class XI students of SMAN 1 Ujungbatu IPS 1. Based on the analysis of unknown value t test t second class (Experimental and Control) is t hitung> t table or 6.54> 1.684. Thus, these results can be expressed "t count"> "t table" means that there is a difference in student learning outcomes between the exper


Pengaruh Penggunaan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Numbered Heads Together (Nht) Terhadap Hasil Belajar Pkn


Numbered Heads Together (NHT), Learning Outcomes, Education Citizenship.
