Pengaruh Kompensasi Dan Lingkungan Kerja Terhadap Semangat Kerja Karyawan Divisi Body Repair Pt Agung Automall Sm. Amin Pekanbaru
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The company is a business entity that runs activities to achieve the goals that
have been set. The progress of a company can not be separated from the role of man
as the driver of the organization. Humans have the ability that can be used to manage
the organization so that a predetermined objective can be realized. The realization of
corporate objectives should be based of employees who work with passion. One of
the company's efforts to boost employee morale is at an appropriate compensation
for employees and the environment where the employee works. This study aims to
whether compensation and work environment has an influence on employee morale
at the Division of PT Agung Automall Body Repair SM. Amin Pekanbaru. From the
research done by multiple linear regression analysis techniques known that partial
compensation had no effect on employee morale. This is due to the compensation
can not motivate employees to the spirit of the work but is only able to retain
employees in the work. On the other hand the effect on employee morale. This is
presumably because the equipment and supplies used in the company has met the
eligibility standards in the work, so that employees feel comfortable in doing the job.
Simultaneously compensation and work environment affect morale.
Pengaruh Kompensasi Dan Lingkungan Kerja
Terhadap Semangat Kerja Karyawan
Compensation, work environment, morale