Daya Dukung Habitat Gajah Sumatera (Elephas Maximus Sumatranus Temminck) Di Taman Nasional Tesso Nilo Provinsi Riau
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The same land use between elephants and humans results in elephant conflict with humans.
This study aims to determine the Sumatran elephant population and the carrying capacity
of the Sumatran elephant feed in the area of Tesso Nilo National Park, Riau Province. This
research was conducted by using Purposive Sampling method by determining elephant
position on path, determination of sample plot of Sumatran elephant feed location and
collecting of bearing capacity of Sumatran elephant. The data obtained are vegetation
composition (species density, species type, species dominance), Important Value Index
(INP), Type Diversity, Feed Biomass, food Capacity and Habitat Support capacity. Based
on the inventory and data from WWF, in Lubuk Kembang Bung gaa Village there are 2
groups of Sumatran elephants with a total of 120-130 heads. The results showed that the
availability of feed in 1 Ha area in Tesso Nilo National Park is sufficient for 0,5 heads of
Sumatran elephant. One head elephant need 2 ha for feed
elephant, population, habitat, carrying capacity