Surface Water Flow Pattern Tambelan Islands Riau

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Research ocean current patterns beginning Tambelan performed using the esearch vessel Baruna Jaya VIII of the date of November 4 to 16, . In determining the flow pattern using 75 Khz ADCP measure and to determine the characteristics of the water masses using CTD 911 Plus. The number of points Tambelan research station in waters up to 12 stations. For the data used is the tidal ebb and flow of data from the station Pemangkat Hydro Oceanography Department, Navy. Currents in the water system is mainly influenced by the regional water mass movement, the changing seasons, tides, marine topography and geography, while the water mass characteristics are influenced by water masses characterized by shallow water at high temperature and low salinity. Regionally, the mass of water in the western waters. Float trajectories shown in Figure indicated that the mass of water from the ocean Fasifik into the South China Sea through the Luzon Strait and establish branches toward the Strait Karimata. Even the number of passes through the Strait Karimata float higher than the main route through the Strait of Makassar ITF



Tambelan island, oceanography
