Pengaruh Komunikasi Interpersonal Dosen Terhadap Hasil Belajar Mahasiswa Fkip PPKn Universitas Riau
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The issues raised in this study is the effect of interpersonal communication
lecturer on learning outcomes of students of PPKn Faculty Teaching and Education
Riau University. This study aims to determine the effect of interpersonal
communication lecturer on learning outcomes of students of PPKn Teacher Training
and Education Faculty of the University of Riau. In this case I chose Education
Program Pancasila and citizenship because they apart is the author's own study
programs as well as the interaction between the lecturer PPKn intensely intertwined
in the form of interpersonal communication to students on PPKn Study Program. The
population in this study were all students and the lecturer faculty study program
Pancasila and Citizenship Education Teacher Training and Education Faculty of the
University of Riau. Sample size was determined by simple random sampling method
(Gay in Winata, 2010: 35), namely random sampling technique. The number of
population according to data from the Academic Head of Riau University student
who is active in the program recorded Pancasila and Citizenship Education Study as
many as 242 people and number of lecturer in PPKn Studies are 8 people, so that the
total population of 250then be people. However, this number is still too large, the
authors refer to the opinions Suharsimi Arikunto, when the subject will be studied
more than 100 people, the researchers take 10-15% or 20-25% or more. So for the
samples in this study were taken 40% of the 250 100 people. The research method
used is descriptive quantitative. The results obtained with tests of significance begins
with product moment t
count = 0.012, and t table = 2.000, then t
count <t table
it showed
no significant relationship, and the significance test simple regression obtained F
0.018, and Ftable
0.05 at α dkRes = 98, and = 1 obtained dkReg Ftable = 3.96. Then
F count<Ftable .
This suggests the hypothesis is rejected, that Not There the effect of
interpersonal communication lecturer on learning outcomes of students of PPKn
Faculty Teaching and Education Riau University
Pengaruh Komunikasi Interpersonal Dosen Terhadap Hasil Belajar Mahasiswa
Influence,, Interpersonal Communication,, Learning Outcomes