Pengaruh Kemampuan Kerja, Disiplin Kerja Dan Beban Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Pegawai Rumah Sakit Ibu Dan Anak (Rsia) Zainab Kota Pekanbaru
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This study aims to determine how much influence the Work Ability, Discipline of
Work and Workload on Employee Performance in Mother and Children's Hospital (RSIA)
Zainab in Pekanbaru simultaneously and partially. The instrument used for data collection
was a questionnaire. The population of this study are all permanent employees who work
at the Mother and Child Hospital (RSIA) Zainab in the city of Pekanbaru, amounting to 89
people. The sample in this study based on the use of Taro Yamane formula gained 73
people. Data analysis techniques using a Multiple Linear Regression.
The results showed that the four hypotheses were proposed either partially or
simultaneously acceptable on level of 95%. It was concluded that the ability of work
significantly influence the work performance of employees, Discipline of work significantly
influence the work performance of employees, Workload significantly influence the work
performance of employees. And capability Work, Discipline of Work and Workload
simultaneously significantly influence the performance of employees at Mother and
Children's Hospital (RSIA) Zainab in Pekanbaru with a contribution of 48.1% and the
remaining 51.9% is influenced by other variables.
Keywords: Work Ability, Discipline of Work, Workload and Employee Performance
Rsia, Zainab, Kinerja