Manajemen Evaluasi Pengelolaan Sampah Di Kecamatan Tampan Kota Pekanbaru

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The existence of garbage on our lifes it can useful if we manage it property. But when we ignore it will be causing bad impacts. This research lacated at district Tampan Pekanbaru city. Analysis that used un this research is descriptive about garbage condition of garbage which on research : Rubbish dump area, Structur organization of processing garbage, data retreval method (infrastructure), marketing of processed garbage from condition of garbage. From result of research was management of evaluation garbage at district Tampan Pekanbaru city, at four difference district didn’t well do yet : This can be known by the respondent answers that collected garbage scheduled is unscheduled therefore garbage stakcs every single day. Because of that garbage need manage or be managed it property, start from Planning of rubbish dumping, structur organization processing garbage, data retreval method, available infrastructure, marketing of recycled garbage become useful.



Planning of Rubbish Dumping, Structur organization, Garbage Retreval Method, Marketing Management
