Karakterisasi Air Terproduksi Industri Migas Sebagai Sumber Daya Air Alternatif Di Kecamatan Minas, Kabupaten Siak, Riau

dc.contributor.authorHardi, Maulana
dc.contributor.authorAnita, Sofia
dc.contributor.authorIlham, Ilham
dc.description.abstractOil and gas exploration activities always produce follow-up materials that is produced water with the number of millions of barrels per day. Oil field produced water has a chemical composition with different concentrations depending on the geographical location, the depth of the formation, the method of oil lifting, and the age of oil production wells. The abundant production of produced water by the oil and gas industry makes the produced water into one of the potential water resources to be utilized by the community for daily needs, but now the produced water is still considered as industrial waste that is harmful to humans and can pollute the environment. To see the potential reuse of produced water by the community, a laboratory testing was conducted to characterize chemical composition of oil field produced water in Minas area, Siak Regency, Riau Province with parameters set forth in Government Regulation No. 82 of 2001 on the Management of Water Quality and Control of Water Pollution for water class 1 (drinking water). The laboratory testing parameters performed are grouped by physical, inorganic chemistry, radioactivity, and organic chemistry including pesticides. This study also includes laboratory testing for samples from drinking water refill retail and water well located in Minas community area to analyze the quality of drinking water source in community as well as blank for quality of produced water. The result of laboratory tests shows for samples from produced water have 17 of 46 parameters (37%) still not meet limit of standard water class 1. While the result for sample from drinking water refill retail has 4 of 46 parameters (9%) not meet limit of standard class 1 and sample from community well has 3 of 46 parameters (6%) not meet limit of standard class 1.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipSeminar Nasional Pelestarian Lingkungan (SENPLING) 2017en_US
dc.identifier.otherwahyu sari yeni
dc.subjectProduced wateren_US
dc.subjectlimit of standarden_US
dc.subjectand laboratory testingen_US
dc.titleKarakterisasi Air Terproduksi Industri Migas Sebagai Sumber Daya Air Alternatif Di Kecamatan Minas, Kabupaten Siak, Riauen_US


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