The Use of Bio-filter Media in Reducing TSS and Amonia content in The Liquid Waste Originated from Plam Oil Industry and Survival Rate of Fish Cultivationin The Treated Waste

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A research aims to understand the use of biofilter media in reducing TSS and Amonia content in the liquid waste originated from plam oil industry and survival rate of Fish Cultivation in the treated waste that were reared in the treated waste has been conducted from Oktober – Desember 2012. The processor was consisted of 2 connected reactors. The 1 st reactor was completed with zeolit. Wastewater was taken from Land Application Pond of the Sei Galuh Palm Oil Factory, Kampar Regency, Riau. Samplings were conducted 3 times, 2 weeks interval. Water samples for TSS and Amonia analysis were taken in the inlet, anaerob – aerob outlet and in the outlets of control tanks. In the 2 nd week, the processed water was flown into 3 aquaria that were used for rearing Fish Cultivation (10 fishes/aquarium). Results shown that the processor was effective to reduce the TSS and Amonia content in the liquid waste. The effectiveness of the reactor in degrading the TSS was 43,07 % – 75,70 %, while that of the amonia was 14,40% - 32,83% and the total of bactery was 6,5 x 104 CFU – 8,0 x 107 CFU in the liquid waste. The TSS and amonia content in the treated waste was below the standard value isuued by the government (KepMenLH no 122, 2004). There was no Fish Cultivation survive in the control, but there was fish Cyprinus carpio with percentage 40 %, fish Oreochromis nilotica percentage 63% and fish Clarias batrachus percentage 90% of fish survive in the treated waste. Based on the data obtained, it can be concluded that the reactor can be used to reduce TSS and amonia content in the liquid waste originated from palm oil industry and the low percentage of fish Cyprinus carpio test results because the high content effluent from the plam oil industry processed.



Bio-filter, zeolit, palm oil factory liquid waste, Fish Cultivation
