Pengaruh Latihan Cherry Pickers Terhadap Kelincahan Siswa Kelas XI Putra Sma Negeri I Tualang Kecamatan Tualang Kabupaten Siak

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This research is experimental. The research was conducted in Class XI Men SMAN I Tualang Tualang Siak District. In this study the entire population sampled, as many as 22 people. Data were collected through the initial and final tests before and after exercise cherry pickers. Data were analyzed descriptively, then further testing hypotheses that have been proposed in accordance problem is: there is a Cherry Pickers Exercise Effect on Men's Agility Class XI Students of SMAN I Tualang Tualang Siak District. Results showed that the identification problem Putra Class XI Students of SMAN I Tualang Tualang Siak District in various sports activities yet has the agility as expected, this is due to lack of exercise leads to agility. Therefore this study aimed to determine the effect of exercise on Cherry Pickers Agility Class XI Students of SMAN I Tualang Son Tualang Siak District. Based on t test analysis produces t count 7.28 and 1.720 t table padav significant level of 0.05. t> t table means that the hypothesis is accepted. It could be concluded, that the exercise cherry pickers have a significant effect on men's agility class XI students of SMA Negeri 1 Tualang Siak.


Pengaruh Latihan Cherry Pickers Terhadap Kelincahan Siswa Kelas XI


Cherry Pickers, Agility
