The Comparison Of The Influence Of Dip Exercise And Supra Force Exercise To Arm And Shoulder Muscle Strength In Laskar Riau Pekanbaru Softball Club
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This research was conducted in Laskar Riau Pekanbaru Softball Club, due
to the lack of the arm and shoulder muscle possessed. Therefore researcher
intended to study the club. Data was obtained and collected from pre test and post
test using Expanding Dynamometer. Before and after the Dip Excercise and the
Supra Force Exercise were done to see the differences in the comparison of the
effects of Dip Exercise and Supra Force Exercise to Arm and Shoulder Muscle
Strength in Boys Laskar Riau Pekanbaru Softball Club.
This research was experimental research. It used experimental and
statistical data analysis helped by hypothetical research. The population in this
reseach was Laskar Riau Softball Club in Rumbai softball field, which consisted
of 20 males.
The result of the analysis showed that there was a significant effect of Dip
exercise and Supra Force exercise (X) to the arm and shoulder muscle strength
(Y). According to the result of t test, it can be concluded that: 1. t_obt was 2.856
and t_crit was 2.262, 2. t_obt was 2.338 and t_crit was 2.262, 3. t_obt was 2.1608
and t_crit was 2.101. Hence t_obt > t_crit thus it can be concluded that there was
a significant effect of Dip exercise and Supra Force exercise to arm and shoulder
muscle strength in Boys Laskar Riau Pekanbaru Softball Club, the average score
from group A was 15,4 and group B was 8,2, hence Dip exercise had more
significant effect than Supra Force exercise
The Comparison Of The Influence Of Dip Exercise And Supra Force Exercise To Arm And Shoulder Muscle Strength In Laskar Riau Pekanbaru Softball Club
Dip Exercise and Supra Force Exercise, arm and shoulder muscle strength