The Correlation Between Age And Iud (Intrauterine Devices) Period Towards The Incidence Of Pelvic Inflamatory Diseases At Gulai Bancah Bukittinggi Public Health Center, 2015

dc.contributor.authorDelima, Mera
dc.contributor.authorKartika, Kalpana
dc.description.abstractIUD is a non-hormonal contraception devices. Some IUD advantages are higher effectivity, do not interfere sexual activity, do not impair the breast feeding volume as well as the quality it self. How ever, some planned family with IUD had complained some pain and infection experiences where located in pelvic regio (pelvic inflamatory disease/ PID). These kind of infection related to superior reproductive duct infection which almost one million women diagnosed between 25 and 35 years old. Pelvic infection risk with IUD has raised twice compared with they do not as an acceptor. The purpose of this research was to determine the correlation between age and IUD (intrauterine devices) period towards the incidence of pelvic inflamatory diseases to plan family as an acceptor Gulai Bancah Bukittinggi Public Health Center. The research design was descriptive correlation with 131 samples by using cross sectional approach. Every single planned family as an acceptor with IUD catagorized as research population which consecutive sampling technique for those criteria. Collecting data was conducted and observed by using some questionaire with chi-square analysis. The research result showed that more than a half of respondent (53.4%) were on the age of young adult (more than 25 years old). The longest period in using IUD were counted 61.8% of respondent for 5 years and more. Furtheremore, about two third of the respondent (67.9%) were not experienced with infection related to PID. Statistical test revealed the P value for age and period were< α (0,005<0,05) and < α (0,000<0,05), respectively. Finally, it has a correlation between age and IUD (intrauterine devices) period towards the incidence of pelvic inflamatory diseases to plan family as an acceptor at Gulai Bancah Bukittinggi Public Health Center at 2015.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipRiau International Nursing Conference 2015en_US
dc.identifier.otherwahyu sari yeni
dc.subjectintrauterine devices (IUD)en_US
dc.subjectplanned family as an acceptoren_US
dc.subjectpelvic inflammatory diseaseen_US
dc.titleThe Correlation Between Age And Iud (Intrauterine Devices) Period Towards The Incidence Of Pelvic Inflamatory Diseases At Gulai Bancah Bukittinggi Public Health Center, 2015en_US


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