Tinjaun Pelaksanaan Pembinaan Bagi Narapidana Anak Di Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Kelas IIB Pekanbaru
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The study entitled “Overview of the Implementation of Guidance for
Children Inmates in Prison Class IIB Pekanbaru”. The purpose of this study is to
investigate the implementation of the guidance to the children inmates in prisons,
Class IIB Pekanbaru and to determine the factors that influence the
implementation of child prisoners in coaching penitentiary Class IIB Pekanbaru.
Hypothesis: Implementation of Choaching Children in Prison Inmates Pekanbaru
has already conducted well and the most influential factor that influenced the
implementation of choaching in Children Penitentiary is a good human resources.
Sampling method used on the opinions of Suharsimi Arikunto with a large
number of subjects or more than 100 were taken between 20-25% or more. The
method used is descripyive qualitative. Data collection instrument in this study is
a questionnaire consists of 19 questionnaires for children prisoners and 18
questionnaires for prison coach officers. Data analysis was performed by
Qualitative Descriptive by using percentage. From the calculation of the
percentage of respondents, the result obtained is”satisfactory”with level of 43,7%
on children queationnaire and 79,8% on employee queationnaire. Thus the
hypotesis is rejected, which means the implementation of development and the
factors that affect the implementation of the coaching is”satisfactory”and”good”
for inmates Class IIB Pekanbaru.
Thus it can be seen that the Implementation of coaching in Pekanbaru
Child Penitentiary was 43,7% and the most influential factor is Principal
Leadership Factor,Chief Detention Factor,Kacabrutan and Kabispa/Bapas
leadership factor which is 79,8%. Bassed on the result of research conducted, it is
concluded that the review of implementation of guidance for children in prison
Class IIB Pekanbaru is “satisfactory”and the most influential factor for the
implementation of coaching in Pekanbaru Child penitentiary is”good”.
Tinjaun Pelaksanaan Pembinaan Bagi Narapidana Anak Di Lembaga Pemasyarakatan
Overview, Guidance, Child Prisoners