Perbadingan Pengaruh Latihan Melakukan Serve Dan Menembak Dengan Menembak Ikan Di Dalam Tong Terhadap Keterampilan Menembak Pada Siswa Sepak Bola SMP Negeri 17 Pekanbaru
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Difference training influence in serve and shooting about shooting fish in the
basket with shooting ability for football's students in junior high school 17
Pekanbaru. This research is applied to the students in junior high school 17 class
VIII Pekanbaru, because they had less ability in shooting ball skill. Then researcher
would to make a research this football students. Researcher get and collect the data
from a first test and final test that is shooting ball skills, made a serve and shooting
skills trainibg before and after they do a football training in Football Students Junior
High School 17 Pekanbaru with researcher target To Know The Difference training
influence in serve and and shooting about shooting fish in the basket with shooting
ability to football students in Junior High School 17 Pekanbaru. This research is
about experiment reseach. This research use a method data analysis in experimental
and statistic with hypothesis support. Population in this research is The Junior High
School's Students 17 Class VIII Pekanbaru, with 24 Football's Students Junior High
School 17 class VIII Pekanbaru. Research results showed there is a significant
influence from serve and shooting fish in the basket training (X) Shooting Ability (Y).
Based on t rest analysis researcher get a conclusion : 1. is 2,844 and is
2,074. 2. is 2,844 and is 2,074. 3. is 2,844 and is 2,074. So
> can take a conclucion is Ho are rejected an Hi is accepted. It means
the training can reach shooting skills and showed it’s is bigger than ,
that is shooting fish in the basket training for a 16 meeting times umtil get a
significant result.
Perbadingan Pengaruh Latihan Melakukan Serve Dan Menembak Dengan Menembak Ikan Di Dalam Tong Terhadap Keterampilan Menembak Pada Siswa Sepak Bola
serve and shooting fish in the basket training, shooting ball skills