Isolasi Dan Karakterisasi Bakteri Penghasil Poli Hidroksialkanoat (Pha) Sebagai Bahan Baku Plastik Biodegradabel Dari Kawasan Taman Hutan Raya Sultan Syarif Hasyim Provinsi Riau
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Plastic garbage has become a global scjile of environmental problem because plastic
cannot be waved by environment. The development of biodegradable plastic stuff is one of
alternative to solve this problem. Poli-l3-hidroksialkanoat (PHA) is one of element substance
compound from biodegradable plastic stuff which is produce by granule in a cell. The purpose
of this research is to isolation of amylolitic bacteria which can produce PHA as biodegracUible
plastic from Great Forest Garden Area of Sultan Syarif Hasyim in Riau Province.
There are 21 isolate bacteria have successfully isolated from land sampel that taken
from Great Forest Garden Area of Suhan Syarif Hasyim in Riau Province. Bacteria Isolation of
land sample was conducted by using starch hydrolysis medium. The characterization which are
classiflcated based on the ability in degradation of amylum was indicated by observing of clear
zone around the colony, qualitatively result 12 isolate bacteria and verified by iodium staining.
Analysed qualitatively by staining with Sudan Black B, xylene and safranin, twelfth isolate able
to accumulate or produce PHA with observed as a black granule in a bacteria cell were
examined under phase contrast microscope at lOOOx magnification. These Isolates have
prospects in industry of biodegradable plastic from starch substrat production
Biodegradable plastic, starch