Pengaruh Metode Latihan Compass Drill Terhadap Keterampilan Menggiring Bola Atlit SSB Genari Pekanbaru

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This methods is a research experiment. This research uses statistical data analysis. The population in this study is Club SSB Genari who practice in the field of Kehutanan Football Panam, with a sample that is 15 samples. The research was conducted at the SSB Genari Pekanbaru who practice in the field of Kehutanan, as seen from the capabilities of agility athlete in dribbling which is owned by SSB athletes Genari U 13 is still not satisfactory. So the researchers wanted to examine this Club Compass Drill workout treat. Where data can be obtained and collected through the pree test and post test which tests Dribbling Ball, before and after the training given Compass Drill, with the aim to influence Knowing Compass Method Exercise Ball Dribbling Drills Skills Against the athletes SSB Genari Pekanbaru. The analysis showed that there was a significant effect of exercise Compass Drill (X) dribbling skills (Y). Based on the analysis of the results of the t test conclusion is: at 3.12 and at 2.48. Then t hitung > t table so it can be concluded that there is a significant effect on exercise Compass Ball Dribbling Drills Skills To The Athletes In SSB Genari Pekanbaru. Hypothesis testing results show there are significant training methods Compass Drill the dribbling skills. Then t hitung > t table so it can be concluded that Ho is rejected and Ha accepted. Means exercises that can improve dribbling skills and show that t is greater than t table, the Compass Drill exercises undertaken during the 16 sessions that get significant results.


Pengaruh Metode Latihan Compass Drill Terhadap Keterampilan Menggiring Bola Atlit SSB Genari Pekanbaru


Compass Drill and dribbling skills
