Comparison of family planning (KB) Based on Law Number 52 Year 2009 on Population Development and Family Development and Islamic Law Perspective
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Program family planning (KB) constitute some form of action who proclaimed
government with initial goal is as an an effort decrease in the level of fertility in Indonesian.
The rapid rate of population's growth is not matched by growth economics in particular areas
of population prompted the government to regulate the occupation's growth and reduce the
impact caused aan. Indonesia constitute majority country Muslim and in the Koran do not
unclear whether KB permissible or not, although thus the government justify society for
reduce birth rate with assign KB as street discharge, so the this case confusing society
whether KB it was halal or does not, top of this conceptual basis the author want research on
comparative KB under the Act of 2009 Regarding Population Development and Family
Development and Perspective of Islamic Law.
Bahwa dengan dilakukannya program keluarga berencana, maka pengaruhnya
terhadap lembaga perkawinan itu sendiri cukup besar sehingga izin harus
timbul dari kedua belah pihak. Pasal 20 Undang-Undang Nomor 52 Tahun
2009 Tentang Perkembangan Kependudukan dan Pembangunan Keluarga
menegaskan bahwa untuk mewujudkan penduduk tumbuh seimbang dan
keluarga berkualitas, pemerintah menetapkan kebijakan keluarga berencana
melalui penyelenggaraan program keluarga berencana.
comparison, family planning