Integrasi Sosial Masyarakat Tempatan Dengan Masyarakat Migran Spontan Di Desa Rantau Panjang Kiri Kecamatan Kubu Babussalam Kabupaten Rokan Hilir Rohana
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The issue of integration is a very hard t obe realized, but the one who will bring a warenessofsuch integration. Integrationis not fusion, but the harmony or unity. This means that it remainsina pluralistic society eachplurality, but they can live harmoniously with eachother.
Spontaneous migrants who come to the village of Long Left Overseasaims to improve productivity, which builds self-sufficiency for the people them selves, so that the economy can growand develop in a sustainable manner. Along with the in crease in the number of migrants in a region, the community expects economic growth in the community will be good also. There fore, the presence of spontaneous migrants conducted by the public then there would be hope for the community to enhance the potential and to contribute to solvethe problem of poverty. Problem for mulation characteristics1. How communities and migrant communities spontaneous? 2. In what aspects of social integration exists between local communities with migrant communities in the village of Desa Rantau Panjang Kiri?3.What are the factors driving and in hibiting the occurrence of social integration among local communities with spontaneous migrant community in Desa Rantau Panjang Kiri? The method used is descriptive quantitative by using a simple statistical analysis.
Public relations in Desa Rantau Panjang Kiri seen in various economic activities and other social events. Not limited by differences in race,religion and culture.
Joining communities and migrant communities spontane ously in various aspects of life is social integration is going on in the community.
Social integration, economic activities, social activities