Fattening of Soft Shell Crab With Different Food
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This Research was conducted from February until March 2013 at PT.
Langkat Laut Timur in Kelurahan Beras Basah Kecamatan Pangkalan Susu
Kabupaten Langkat Sumatera Utara. The aim of the research was to investigate
the best food to crab body weight of soft shell crab. The method used was
experiment method and Complete Random Device (RAL) with one factor with
three treatments. Treatments were P1= pellets, P2= fish feed, P3= snail feed.
The results showed that soft shell crab fattening with different feeding did
not significantly affect on absolute growth weight, daily growth rate and survival
rate soft shell crab. But more profitable in the process of soft shell crab fattening
was snails feed. Snails can be purchased at a price of Rp 3.000/kg or can be cultivated
alone or find in the fields area. Snails prices are relatively cheap so it can be
profitable for the farmers soft shell crab.
Soft Shell Crab, Pellets, fish feed, snail feed