Pengaruh Latihan Star Drill With Bear Crawl Terhadap Kelincahan Pada Siswa Putra Kelas 1 Ekstrakulikuler Sepak Bola SMK Taruna Pekanbaru
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This research is experimental. The research was conducted on the students grade 1 son
extracurricular football Senior high school of vocation pekanbaru cadets. Data were obtained
and collected through the initial test and final test before and after exercise Star Drill With Bear
Crawl. Data were analyzed descriptively. Results showed that students' problem identification
son 1st class cadet extracurricular football Senior high school of vocation pekanbaru not have a
good physical condition agility. This is due to the lack of exercise that leads to physical training
and exercise programs that are less systematic and planned. The issues raised in this study is
"Are there exercises significant influence Star Bear Crawl Drill With the agility class 1 student
extracurricular son Senior high school of vocation Taruna Pekanbaru football?" The hypothesis
in this study was "There is a significant effect of exercise Star Drill With Bear Crawl to agility
class 1 student extracurricular men's soccer Senior high school of vocation Taruna Pekanbaru.
"This study aims to find a significant effect of exercise Star Bear Crawl Drill With the agility
class 1 student son extracurricular football Senior high school of vocation Taruna Pekanbaru.
Results of the analysis showed that there is significant influence Star Drill Exercise With Bear
Crawl (X) Against agility (Y) in the men's class 1 student extracurricular football Senior high
school of vocation Taruna Pekanbaru. Based on t test analysis produces tcount 31.87 and ttable
1,792. Means t> t table so it can be concluded that Ho is rejected and H1 is accepted. An
average increase of 2.55 after the t-test shows that t is greater than t table, then drills Star With
Bear Crawl Drill for 16 times can significantly increase agility
Pengaruh Latihan Star Drill With Bear Crawl Terhadap Kelincahan Pada Siswa Putra
Star Drill Exercise With Bear Crawl, Agility