Pengaruh Sosialisasi Pendidikan Agama Islam Terhadap Perilaku Siswa di SMA Negeri 12 Pekanbaru
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In Islamic Education. Education can be defined as a conscious effort to develop intellect in the sense not only improve intelligence, but also to develop all aspects of the human personality, which includes aspects of faith, moral or mental, behavioral, and so forth. Al-Attas said that the goal of Islamic education is a good man, then Fatah Abdul Jalal said that the general purpose of Islamic education is the realization of man as a servant of God. This formulation clearly shows that the Islamic education with moral science evidently very closely related. Islamic education is a means that leads students to become a moral person (Abuddin Nata 1996, 37-38). The purpose of this study to determine the effect of socialization on behavior of high school students N 12 Pekanbaru and to know how to respond to students' socialization values of Islam class XI SMA 12 Pekanbaru.
The population in this study were students of class XI, amounting to 329 people were divided into nine classes,. Given a large enough sample, the authors used in this study sample. Samples were drawn at 10% with a proportional random sampling technique. Thus, the study sample size was 76 people. The data obtained was analyzed using quantitative analysis.
The results of the quantitative analysis of Islamic religious education socialization indicates that 69.7% good criteria, 22.4% fairly good, 7.9% unfavorable. While the behavior of the students indicated that 67.1% good criteria, 25.0% fairly good, 7.9% unfavorable. Referring to the results of the study, teachers are expected to Islam to be able to utilize the dissemination of Islamic religious education on the behavior of students so that the student's behavior at school and outside of school. Because Islamic religious education socialization mampunyai great influence in the development of students' behavior. group will help children to assimilate knowledge and accommodation to the scheme already has.
Socialization, Islamic Education, Student Behavior