Pengaruh Latihan Squat Berbeban Barbel Terhadap Hasil Lompat Jauh Pada Siswa Putra Kelas XI Jurusan Listrik SMK Negeri 5 Pekanbaru

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Issues raised in this study is: Is there a loaded barbell squat exercise influence on the results of the long jump at the Putra Class XI students of SMK Negeri 5 Department of Electrical Pekanbaru. Method in this study using experimental methods, the population used is the Son of Class Xi Student Electrical Department SMK Negeri 5 Pekanbaru as many as 15 people, because the sample is less than 100 then the entire population is used as a sample. Methods of data processing using statistical calculations and to test the hypothesis using the t test, and also to determine the effect of exercise on outcomes Squat barbell loaded long jump. This research is experimental research. The research was conducted at SMK Negeri 5 Pekanbaru. Data were collected through the beginning and end of the test Kick Accuracy Ball. Data were analyzed descriptively, then obtained the mean value of difference (d) of 0.402, and further testing of research hypotheses that have been proposed in accordance problem is: "there is a loaded barbell squat exercise influence (X) with the result that significant long jump (Y) . Based on t test analysis produces tcount ttable 5.58 and 2.160. Means t> t table. It can be concluded that Ho is rejected and Ha accepted. The analysis showed that there were significant effects laden barbell squat exercise for long jump results Men In class XI students of SMK Negeri 5 Department of Electrical Pekanbaru. With the application of the principles laden barbell squat exercise can effectively improve the long jump Khasil Son In Class XI students of SMK Negeri 5 Department of Electrical Pekanbaru.


Pengaruh Latihan Squat Berbeban Barbel Terhadap Hasil Lompat Jauh


Exercise Barbell Squat burden, Long Jump Results
