Kemampuan Berpidato Siswa Kelas XII SMA Negeri 2 Bagan Sinembah Kabupaten Rokan Hilir
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The data in this research were obtained from the students' skills in speech
directly in front of the class XII SMA Negeri 2 Bagan Sinembah Rokan Hilir. The
method that used in this research is descriptive method, the method used to
explain the data obtained in the research as it is. This research technique is using
observation and assessment techniques is directly in the speech of students.The
results of this research description of are: (1) accuracy of pronunciation, (2) the
accuracy of intonation, (3) accuracy of tone, and (4) the right attitude in the
speech. The purpose of this research was to describe the ability of speech grade
XII students of SMA Negeri 2 Bagan Sinembah Rokan Hilir, in the aspect of
using accuracy of pronunciation, intonation, tone, and the right attitude in the
speech. The subject of this research population was 83 students and 83 students
study sample was also used as the total sample. The results of this study indicate
that (1) the ability of pronunciation accuracy aspects are in the middle level, (2)
ability to be at the highest level of intonation precision, (3) ability in the accuracy
of the tone is in the middle level, and (4) the ability of the precision attitude are at
the lowest level.
Kemampuan Berpidato Siswa Kelas XII SMA Negeri 2 Bagan Sinembah Kabupaten Rokan Hilir
extempore, speech, pronunciation, intonation, tone, the right attitude