Model Distribusi Limbah Nitrit (No2-N) Terhadap Kualitas Air Bawah Tanah Di Kota Pekanbaru

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Background and Objective: Nitrite waste is an important factor in determining the sustainability of underground water quality that can be associated with the value of nitrite concentration based on the water quality standard. This study aims to determine the distribution of nitrite waste in the lithology of the study area. Materials and Methods: This study was conducted using experimental methods. These measurements use equipment that suits the needs of pizometers, geoelectric equipment, GPS. The data obtained are data ratio such as hydraulic conductivity data, well depth, well position, nitrite concentration and coordinate of research location. Contour distribution model of nitrite waste in lithology using Surfer-13 software. Results and Discussion: Nitrite concentrations obtained through existing wells in community settlements ranged from 0.005 mg / L to 0.09 mg / L. While for class I, II and III is 0.06 mg / L while class IV is not required. This concentration value is actually a value derived from the accumulation of all sources of pollutants that exist in the city of Pekanberu, therefore this research is included in the research source of pollution spread (Nonpoint Source Polutan). Conclusion: The highest nitrite concentration values were in Rumbai, Rumbai Pesisir, Sail and Tenayan Raya sub-districts with an average of 0.08 mg / L, while the lowest was Marpoyan Damai and Tampan sub-district with an average of 0.014 mg / L. Although this concentration value ranges from 0.08 mg / L which exceeds the water quality standard for each class of 0.06 mg / L, it is still less than 1 mg / L and is suitable for community use.



Nitrite, Litology, Pollutant, Concentration, Underground Water Quality
