Browsing by Author "Zulfitri, Reni"
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Item EFEKTIVITAS BRAIN GYM TERHADAP PENURUNAN NYERI DISMENORE(2013-07-06) Yona, Fitri; Misrawati; Zulfitri, ReniAbstract The aim of this research is to determined the effectiveness of brain gym to a decrease in pain of dysmenorrhea. The design of this research is "Quasy experiment" designed by "Non-equivalent control group" were divided into experiment group and control group. The sampel in the research is student of nursing program universitas of riau”. The total sample are 54 people who were taken by using accidental sampling techniques by noticing to the inclusion criteria. Measuring instruments that used in both groups are numeric rating scale for pain intensity. Analysis is used univariate and bivariate analyzes using mann-whitney test and wilcoxon test. The results of statistic test is different of treatment to experiment group with control grouop the didn`t give of treatment with p-value 0,004 < (0,05). It means that brain gym effective to a decrease in pain of dysmenorrhea. The results of this research is expected to be an alternative to reduce the pain of dysmenorrhea.Item Hubungan antara status spiritual lansia dengan gaya hidup lansia(2014-01-07) Anggraini, Ida; Zulfitri, Reni; Novayelinda, RiriThe aim of this research was to identify the correlation of spiritual states and lifestyle in the elderly in Kelurahan Meranti Pandak Kecamatan Rumbai Pesisir Pekanbaru. The research used the correlation method with cross sectional approach. The sampling technique explored purposive sampling with 89 elderly which was selected based on inclusion criteria. This research used questionnaire made from 48 questions. Then, it was analyzed with bivariate method by using Chi Squared test. It was shown that the respondents with healthy spiritual states and having a healthy lifestyle were 36 respondents (78,3%), and 10 respondents (21,7%) showed unhealthy lifestyle. Besides, the result of respondents who have unhealthy spiritual states and healthy lifestyle were 12 people (27,9%) and the unhealthy lifestyles were the residue. From the statistic, p value on alpha 0,05 was p value < alpha. It means thatthere is a correlation between spirituality and lifestyle of elderly in Kelurahan Meranti Pandak Kecamatan Rumbai Pesisir Pekanbaru.Item HUBUNGAN TINGKAT PENGETAHUAN PERAWAT PEROKOK TENTANG KANKER PARU TERHADAP MOTIVASI UNTUK BERHENTI MEROKOK DI RSUD ARIFIN ACHMAD PEKANBARU(2013-07-11) Impriyadi; Karim, Darwin; Zulfitri, ReniThis study aims to determine the relationship of the level of nurses’ knowledge about lung cancer smokers motivation to quit smoking in hospitals Arifin Achmad Pekanbaru. The study design with a description correlation to see the relationship of dependent and independent variables. The number of samples is 30 people who taken used with accidental sampling technique. The was colled by a questionnaire with 37 questions. The result was analyzed using univariate and bivariate analysis and presented in frequency distribution tables. The results of statistical tests obtained p value of 0000 in which the p value < 0.05 means that there is a significant association between the level of knowledge about lung cancer on motivation to quit smoking in the general Hospitals Arifin Achmad Pekanbaru. Based on these results, it is expected the nurses who have smoked can bahave healthy lifestyle including not smoking as a reflection of herItem INTERACTIVE MULTIMEDIA AS AN EFFECTIVE LEARNING MEDIA FOR FAMILY NURSING CARE SUBEJECT(2014-04-19) Agrina; Zulfitri, ReniThe purpose of this study is to notice the effectiveness of using interactive multimedia on family nursing care to the result of student learning by the nursing student over the program. This study was using quasy experiment design (one group pretest-posttest design). The sample of this study was the nursing students over the program in University of Riau which was including 50 respondents. The instrument was using questioner in multiple choices about family nursing care. Data analyzes both in univariate and bivariate which was using T- dependent test. The result showed that majority score of students before learning process using interactive multimedia was in score group: C (40%) and E (26%) and then after the learning process, majority score of students was in score group A (50%) and B (32%). The result concluded that the mean group before and after using interactive multimedia was different significantly (p value=0,000). The differentiation of the mean before and after using interactive multimedia was 26,3. Hopefully the interactive multimedia can be used as an alternative media in another nursing subject.Item METODE DRILLSTUDI KASUS DALAM MENINGKATKAN HASIL BELAJAR ASUHAN KEPERAWATAN KELUARGA(2014-05-19) Agrina; Zulfitri, Reni; HerlinaTujuan penelitian adalah untuk melihat peningkatan hasil akhir mahasiswa pada matakuliah keperawatan keluarga dengan menggunakan metode drill dengan studi kasus. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas. Sampel pada penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa program studi ilmu keperawatan Universitas Riau berjumlah 69 orang yang diambil secara total sampling. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan 2 siklus yang masing-masing siklus terdiri dari 4 langkah yaitu tahapan perencanaan, tindakan, observasi, dan refleksi. Data dianalisa dengan analisa univariat secara deskroptif , Hasil penelitian menunjukkal 66 responden (95'7%) Mendapatkan hasil sangat baik dalam melakukin proses asuhan keperawatan keluarga, dan 3 responden (4,3% 0 mendapatkan hasil baik. Nilai akhir untuk mata kuliah keperawatan keluarga menunjukkan 26 Responden (37.7%) mendapatnilai A (sangat baik), 42 responden (60,9%) mendapat nilai B (baik), dan 1 responden (1.4%) mendapat nilai C (cukup). Hasil penelitiin ini perlu dilakukan pada matakuliah yang lain dan pada responden yang lainItem Pengaruh Kesejahteraan Psikologis Lansia Terhadap Status Gizi Lansia Di Kelurahan Meranti Pandak Pekanbaru(2015-08-10) Zulfitri, ReniTujuan penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kesejahteraan psikologis lansia terhadap status gizi lansia di Kelurahan Meranti Pandak, Kecamatan Rumbai Pesisir, Pekanbaru. Desain penelitian menggunakan deskriptif korelasi dengan pendekatan cross sectional, dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 84 lansia yang diambil dengan menggunakan teknik proportional cluster sampling dengan memperhatikan kriteria inklusi. Alat ukur yang digunakan adalah dalam bentuk kuesioner yang dikembangkan oleh peneliti serta pengukuran berat badan dan tinggi badan. Analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis univariat dan bivariat dengan uji chi-square. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada pengaruh yang signifikan antara faktor kesejahteraan psikologis (Psychological well-being) terhadap status gizi lansia dengan p value = 0,511 (p value > 0,05). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini diharapkan pihak puskesmas dan keluarga selalu memfasilitasi peningkatan status gizi lansia melalui berbagai upaya promotif dan preventif, sehingga dapat mendukung tercapainya derajat kesehatan lansia yang optimalItem Peningkatan Kesehatan Keluarga Melalui Intervensi Keperawatan di Keluarga(2013-04-17) Jumaini; Agrina; Zulfitri, Reni; Elita, Veny; Wahyuni, SriTujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan suku budaya dengan pola komunikasi keluarga di wilayah pesisir di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Rumbai Pekanbaru. Desain yang digunakan adalah deskriptif korelatif dengan pendekatan Cross-sectional. Sampel sebanyak 450orang yang memenuhi criteria inklusi . Analisa data pada penelitian ini bersufat univariat dan bivariat( uji chi-square). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tidak ada hubungan yang bermakna antara suku budaya dengan pola komunikasi dalam keluarga (pvalue>0.05). Perlu dikembangkan penelitian pengaruh komponen-komponen yang ada dalam budaya dikaitkan dengan pelaksanaan komunikasi dalam keluarga fungsi efektif keluarga dapat tercapai.Item SOCIODEMOGRAPHIC CHARACTERISTICS OF ELDERLY WITH HYPERTENSION AND COGNITIVE FUNCTIONS(FACULTY OF NURSING UNIVERSITAS RIAU, 2020-11-04) Zulfitri, Reni; Dewi, Ari Pristiana; Kurniawan, DidiThis study aims to determine the correlation between the sociodemographic characteristics of the elderly with hypertension to cognitive function. Method: This is a descriptive correlational study that was conducted in Pekanbaru City.This study involved 86 elders with hypertension that were recruited using a purposive sampling technique. Data onsociodemographic characteristics of the elderly with hypertension were obtained by using questionnairesand cognitive function data were obtained by using MMSE (Mini-Mental Status Examination). Result: The Chi-square test showed asignificant relationship between gender, educational level, marital status, employment status with thecognitive function of the elders (p- value < 0.05). Conclusion: The condition of the cognitive function of the elderly can be influenced by the sociodemographic characteristics of the elderly, such as gender, education, employment status, and marital status