Browsing by Author "Woferst, Rismadefi"
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Item The Correlation Between Visitors Knowledge About Handwashing With Visitor Handwashing Practice At Arifin Achmad General Hospital(2016-01-12) Woferst, Rismadefi; Huda, NurulEvery year, the incidence of nosocomial infection in Arifin Achmad general hospital is increases significantly. This kind of infection could be transmitted from the patient to visitor or from visitor to the patients. One of the way to decrease nosocomial transmission is through increasing visitor handwashing behavior. The aim of this study is to identify the correlation between visitor knowledge about handwashing with visitor handwashing habits. This study is correlational design with total sampling method. The sample are 64 visitors from medical ward Arifin Ahmad general hospital. Data obtained from questionnaires as research instruments. The results of this study show that 84,4% visitors have high knowledge about handwashing procedure and 54,6% visitors can practice handwashing properly. Fisher test show p value 1.00 which means there is no correlation between visitor knowledge with hand washing behavior in order to prevent nosocomial infection. Based on this study, it is need to re-asses another factor that influence nosocomial infection. And the nurse need to socialize proper handwashing procedure to visitors through health education urgently and increase the discipline of the visitor to do right handwashing procedure.Item EFEKTIFITAS AIR REBUSAN DAUN SIRSAK (ANNONA MURICATA) TERHADAP KADAR GULA DARAH PADA PENDERITA DIABETES MELITUS TIPE II(2013-07-05) Rahmat Aziz, Ari; Hasneli, Yesi; Woferst, RismadefiThis aim of this sutdy to identify the effectiveness of soursop leaf boiled water to blood glucose levels in diabetic patients. This study used a research design "Quasy experiments" approach pretest-posttest design with control group was divided into experimental group and control group. The sampling technique used purposive sampling with 30 pateints with diabetic which selected based on inclusion criteria. A measuring tool used in both groups was gluko digital test. Subject in the experimental group were given intervention of soursop leaf boiled water for 3 days. The analysis used univariate and bivariate analysis with the dependent sample t test and independent sample t test. The results of independent sample t test showed the mean of blood glucose patient with diabetic after given boiled water soursop leaf was that blood glucose levels before being given boiled water soursop leaf was 236,60 mg/dl on experiment group and 279,67 mg/dl on control group with p value= 0,006. Dependent sample t test on experiment group showed that mean of blood glucose patient with diabetic was 277.07mg/dl, and after given boiled water soursop leaf was 236.60 mg/dl, it mean decreasing of blood glucose level about 40.467 mg/dl with p value= 0,000. This means the consumption of soursop leaf boiled water can help lower blood glucose levels in patients with diabetes mellitus. The results of this study is expected to be one of the nursing interventions to reduce blood glucose levels in patients with diabetes mellitus.Item Efektifitas Pendidikan Kesehatan Tentang Mencuci Tangan Dan Pembuangan Tinja Terhadap Perilaku Pencegahan Penyakit Diare Pasca Banjir Di Daerah Pesisir Sungai Siak Pekanbaru(2013-03-21) Utomo, Wasisto; Woferst, RismadefiThis study aims to determine the effectiveness of health education about hand washing and disposal of feces on the behavior of post-flood prevention of diarhea diseases in the Siak suangai pekanbaru. The design of this study was Quasi Experimental approaches Randomized Non Pre- Post test Control Design are divided into intervention and control group. The study was conducted in patients who come to Puskesmsa Karya Wanita Pekanbaru with a previous history of diarrhea. Total sample of 30 people, with 15 people the intervention and 15 control group with the technique ofpurposive sampling. Measuring instruments in the form of a questionnaire with 10 questions. In the intervention group were given health education about hand washing and disposal of feces in preventing diarrhea. The analysis used univariate and bivariate analyzes were by t test. The results showed a difference in mean scores significant knowledge between the experimental group after being given health education control group with p = 0.000 (p <0.05). The analysis also found that there is an increase in knowledge score given before and after health education in the intervention group with p = 0.000 (p <0.05). It was concluded that health education is effective against diarhea disease prevention behaviors. Health education can be used as an intervention to shape the behavior of diarrhea disease prevention.Item HUBUNGAN TINGKAT PENGETAHUAN MAHASISWA TENTANG FAST FOOD TERHADAP MOTIVASI MAHASISWA DALAM MENGONSUMSI MAKANAN FAST FOOD(2013-07-06) Sari, Septika; Agrina; Woferst, RismadefiThe aim of this research is to identify the correlation between the level of the students’ knowledge about the fast food to the motivation of the students in consuming fast food. The design of this research is cross-sectional design. The numbers of these samples are 68 students who are selected by using total sampling technique. This research uses questionnaire as its measure system which is designed by the researcher itself and has been proven by using validity and reliability tests. The analyses of this research are univariate and biavariate analysis by using Chi Square test. The statistical result shows that p value > alpha (ρ 1,000 > α 0,05), so that there is no significant correlation between the level of the students’ knowledge about fast food to the students’ motivation in consuming fast food. From the research finding, it is suggested to the students to have a higher concern and be able to select the groceries whether those good or not for consumption.Item HUBUNGAN TINGKAT PENGETAHUAN TENTANG PENYAKIT DIABETES MELITUS TERHADAP MEKANISME KOPING PASIEN DIABETES MELITUS TIPE 2 DI RSUD TELUK KUANTAN(2013-07-12) Heriani, Pebrita; Annis Nauli, Fathra; Woferst, RismadefiThe purpose of this research is to find out relationship between level of knowledge about diabetes mellitus with coping mechanisms of type 2 diabetes mellitus patients in Teluk Kuantan Hospital. Methodology on this research was a descriptive correlative with cross sectional approach. The number of sample is 30 respondents who were taken by convenience sampling (accidental sampling) technique. The measurement tool of this research is questionnaire with 15 questions and 20 statements. In this research, we use bivariate analysis with Chi-Square. The result of this research shows 14 respondents who have high level knowledge, 13 respondents do adaptive coping mechanisms (92,9%), and 1 others do maladaptive coping mechanisms (7,1%). The result also shows 16 respondents have low level knowledge with 3 respondent do adaptive coping mechanisms (18,8%) and 13 respondents do maladaptive coping mechanisms (81,3%). Basic on Chi-Square, p value 0,000 < 0,05, it mean there is a relationship between level of knowledge about diabetes mellitus with coping mechanisms of type 2 diabetes mellitus patients in Teluk Kuantan HospitalItem Identifikasi Dan Analisis Sarana Sanitasi Dasar Terhadap Kejadian Penyakit Diare Di Daerah Pesisir Provinsi Riau(2015-08-10) Hasneli, Yesi; Karim, Darwin; Woferst, RismadefiTahun 2015 diharapkan tujuan MDGs bisa dicapai sesuai target. Bidang kesehatan memiliki kewenangan pada poin 1, 4, 5, 6 dan 7. Salah satu tujuan MDGs yaitu menurunkan angka kematian anak. Di Riau distribusi penderita diare pada tahun 2009 terdapat 87.239 penderita. Angka kematian diare saat KLB tahun 2009 adalah 5.756 penderita dengan angka kematian 100 orang dan CFR = 1.74%. Tujuan penelitian ini adlah mengidentifikasi penyakit diare, mengidentifikasi kepemilikan SDS (Sarana Sanitasi Dasar: jamban, tempat sampah, pengelolaan air limbah), dan menganalisis SDS. Desain penelitian adalah survey yaitu melihat mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis SDS terhadap kejadian penyakit diare. Hasil penelitian adalah: Pengelolaan sampah: 50.7 % sampah dikumpul ke tempat pembuangan sampah, 34.6 % dibakar, dibuang ke lubang dan tidak ditutup dengan tanah 15.5 %, di buang ke lahan kosong 2.1 %. Jamban: tempat penyaluran pembuangan akhir tinja (tangki septik 81.8 %, pipa sewer 4.6 %, lubang tanah 13.2 %, langsung ke saluran drainange 0.4 %). Pengelolaan Air Limbah: sebanyak 97.1 % sudah memiliki Sarana Pembuangan Air Limbah (SPAL) dan 2.9 % tidak memiliki SPAL. Cara Ibu Mengolah Air Minum: direbus 85.7 %, ditambah kaporit 14.3 %. Kapan Waktu Paling Dekat Anggota Keluarga Terkena Diare: Kemarin 2.9 %, 1 minggu terakhir 14.3 %, 1 bulan terakhir 19.3 %, 3 bulan terakhir 7.3 %, 6 bulan terakhir 13.6 %, > 6 bln yll 9.3 %, tidak tau 19.3 %. Berdasarkan data, diare masih sering terjadi. Hal ini berkaitan dengan kepemilikan sanitasi dasar. Perlu kerjasama lintas sektoral dalam mengatasi masalah ini untuk mencegah terjadinya diare.Item Identifikasi Karakteristik Hemoglobin (Hb) Pada Ibu Hamil Di Wilayah Pesisir Dan Aliran Sungai Siak(2015-08-10) Erwin; Utami, Gamya Tri; Woferst, RismadefiGejala anemia yang terjadi pada ibu hamil berupa perasaan lemah, letih, lesu, pusing, dan mual dianggap wajar terjadi selama kehamilan. Akibat dari anggapan tersebut membuat anemia menjadi penyakit yang tidak tampak secara jelas sehingga perilaku masyarakat menjadi berperan penting dalam menemukan masalah anemia pada ibu hamil. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan gambaran kadar Hb serta kejadian anemia pada ibu hamil di wilayah pesisir dan aliran sungai Siak, Provinsi Riau. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan penelitian deskriptif dengan populasi adalah seluruh ibu hamil di Kelurahan Meranti Pandak dan teknik pengambilan sampel consecutive sampling berjumlah 90 orang responden.Karakteristik responden didapatkan sebagian besar (26,7%) umur responden antara 25-29 tahun, namun masih ditemukan ibu hamil dengan umur terlalu muda (< 20 tahun) sebesar 2,2% dan umur ≥ 40 tahun sebesar 12,2%. Usia kehamilan responden pada penelitian ini sebagian besar berada pada trimester II (44,4%). Distribusi responden dengan kehamilan pertama (primigravida) lebih sedikit (20%) dibandingkan dengan multigravida.hasil identifikasi Hb didapatkan rata-rata kadar Hb 11,04g/dl dengan kadar hb terendah (10,42 g/dl) pada kelompok dengan usia kehamilan pada Trimester III serta kadar Hb ibu primigravida (10,81g/dl) lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan multigravida (11,10 g/dl). Kejadian anemia didapatkan sebesar 35,6 %, dengan kejadian tertinggi (48,4%) pada kelompok ibu dengan usia kehamilan Trimester III dan kejadian anemia pada kelompok ibu primigravida (44,4%) lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan multigravida (33,3%). Dapat disimpulkan bahwa kejadian anemia pada ibu hamil di wilayah pesisir dan aliran sungai Siak walaupun masih tinggi, namun masih berada dibawah angka rata-rata nasional.Item Pengaruh Penyuntikan Kombinasi Testosteron Undekanoat Dan Depot Medroksi Progesteron Asetat Terhadap Konsentrasi Spermatozoa Testis Tikus (Rattus sp.)(2015-08-10) Woferst, Rismadefi; Moeloek, Nukman; AsmarinahSalah satu penyebab terjadinya penghambatan spermatogenesis sehingga menjadikan pria normal menjadi azoospermia adalah pemberian testosteron secara intramuskular dan oral. Azoospermia terjadi karena terhambatnya perkembangan sel germinal karena penekanan hormon testosteron sebagai akibat adanya mekanisme umpan balik negatif poros hipotalamus hipofisis testis. Berdasarkan hal tersebut diduga penyuntikan TU+DMPA menyebabkan azoospermia. Penelitian ini menggunakan tikus (Rattus sp.) jantan strain Sprague-Dawley dengan beberapa kondisi perlakuan penyuntikan kombinasi TU+DMPA. Masing-masing perlakuan disertai dengan kontrolnya. TU diberikan dengan dosis 2,5 mg setiap 6 minggu sekali sedangkan DMPA 1,25 mg setiap 12 minggu. Dari hasil penelitian didapatkan konsentrasi spermatozoa tikus pada tiap kelompok perlakuan yaitu: pada K0 (praperlakuan) 152,87±10,91 jt/mL dan kontrol 153,33±4,81 jt/mL. Pada K1 (minggu ke-6) turun menjadi 117,93±13,88 jt/mL dan kontrol 159,27±41,31 jt/mL. Pada K2 (minggu ke-12) turun lagi menjadi 47,20±45,42 jt/mL dan kontrol 211,44±41,55 jt/mL. Pada K3 (minggu ke-18) mengalami penurunan konsentrasi menjadi 6,67±15,94 jt/mL dan kontrol 120,47±15,94 jt/mL. Dan pada K4 (minggu ke-24) konsentrasi turun hingga mencapai 0,87±1,76 jt/mL (mendekati azoospermia) dan kontrol 116,00±6,84 jt/mL. Pada penelitian ini terdapat adanya perbedaan yang signifikan antara kelima kelompok perlakuan yang diuji (K0, K1, K2, K3 dan K4) (p<0,05).Item PENGARUH PENYUNTIKAN KOMBINASI TESTOSTERON UNDEKANOAT DAN DEPOT MEDROKSI PROGESTERON ASETAT TERHADAP AKTIVASI PROTEIN CASPASE-3 SEL GERMINAL TESTIS TIKUS (Rattus sp.)(2014-05-21) Woferst, Rismadefi; Moeloek, Nukman; AsmarinahTestosterone undecanoate and depot medroxyprogesterone acetate combinations resulting in azoospermia caused by apoptosis through activation of caspase-3 protein. The present study was designed to investigate caspase-3 activation in rat testis germ cell after testosterone undecanoate and depot medroxyprogesterone acetate administration and to analyze corelation between caspase-3 activation and rat sperm concentration. The Sprague-Dawley rats was administered with 2,5 mg testosterone undecanoate at 6 week intervals and 1,25 mg depot medroxyprogesterone acetate at 12 week intervals. They were randomly divided into five groups i.e K0 (pre-treatment), K1 (6 weeks suppression after induced), K2 (12 weeks suppression after induced), K3 (18 weeks suppression after induced) and K4 (24 weeks suppression after induced). Each treatment had a control. Activation of caspase-3 on testis was evaluated by Immunohistochemistry method. Epididimal sperm concentrations was also calculated. The result of analysis of variants showed that there were no statistical differences among five treatment (K0, K1, K2, K3 dan K4) (p>0,05). But there were statistical differences between K3 and its control as well as K4 and its control (p<0,05). From data analysis we found that there was correlation but not significant between caspase-3 germ cell which cause decreasing of rat sperm concentration. Testosterone undecanoate and depot medroxyprogesterone acetate administration can cause caspase-3 activation in rat testis germ cells. Increasing of caspase-3 activation can tendency decrease of rat sperm concentration in 12 weeks suppression after induced.