Browsing by Author "Utami, Sri"
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Item Adjektiva Bahasa Ngoko Jawa Tengah Dialek Banyumas(2013-05-22) Utami, SriThe purposes of this research is to describe the adjective Ngoko language dialect Banyumas, Central Java. Adjectives are words that express the nature or state of an object. The data of this research in the form of speech or speech-related aspects be researched and research informants of ten people. The method used is descriptive methods and techniques of data collection are interviews, recording and writing. The data analysis technique used is to transcript data which got from record techniques into written, identify the data that has been collected, classify data based on aspects be researched, selecting the appropriate data to the aspects be researched, the data presented to it in writing, after that the data concluded. The theory used in this research are Arifin, et al. (1990), Alwi, et al. (2003), Chaer (2007), and Kridalaksana (2007). From research result, adjectives in terms of syntax behavior in Ngoko language dialect Banyumas, Central Java is divided into three functions: attributive function, the function of predicative and adverb functions. Adjectives semantic behavior in terms of Ngoko language dialect Banyumas, Central Java consists of level adjectives and adjective which has not level. The Level of adjective Ngoko language dialect Banyumas, Central Java consists of the quality or intensity and the various levels of appeal.Item EARLY DETECTION OF ANEMIA IN PREGNANCY BY “HELILI” METHOD FOR STUNTING PREVENTION(FACULTY OF NURSING UNIVERSITAS RIAU, 2020-11-04) Utami, Sri; Erika, ErikaAnemia in pregnancy is the cause of high maternal mortality during childbirth. Mothers with anemia suffer from blood deficiency that can cause various problems not only to the mother but also the baby. The health issue may also help children to develop stunting, which may result in the failure to develop inormally. Method: This study attempt to propose early detection of anemia in pregnancy by using “HELILI” method in order to prevent stunting. It employed observational analytics with cross-sectional survey design. Using total sampling technique, the research was conducted in the Rumbai Pesisir Public Health Center with a sample of 40 respondents. Results: The study found some interesting results. About 25% of pregnant women were found to have mild anemia. It was also found that 45% of the samples had waist and pelvic circumference (Waist and Hip ratio) below 80 cm and 54% of the pregnant women had a normal Body Time Index. Moreover, no less than 10% of pregnant women had LILA (Upper Arm Circumference) below 23.5. Lastly, 20% of the women averaged less than 145 cm in height.Conclusion: pregnant women suffering from anemia showed a low waist and hip ratio, which may result in a less normal upper arm circumference (LILA). The state of anemia in pregnant women also affects the absence of less than normal height. Conclusion: this study can be used as a reference to predict the absence of anemia in pregnancy, so anemia in pregnant women can be identified and followed up as quickly as possible. In addition, the incidence of stunting can be detected as early as possible.Item FAKTOR-FAKTOR YANG BERHUBUNGAN DENGAN PERSALINAN PRETERM(2014-05-22) Utami, SriThe incidence of preterm very varied. In developed countries the incidence ranges between 5-10% of all deliveries in the United States the incidence of preterm delivery ranges from 8-10% (Hacker, 2002), in Indonesia range from 10-20% in 2008. Analytical studies have been conducted with a retrospective review, the factors associated with preterm labor who were born in Arifin period of January 1 - December 31, 2011. The study found no significant relationship between age of mothers with preterm delivery, there is no significant relationship between peritas with preterm labor, there is a significant association between weight and the incidence of eclampsia severe Pre Eklamasi with preterm labor, there is no significant association between the incidence of Premature Rupture Of Membrane (PRM) with preterm labor and there is a significant association between the incidence of Haemorrhagic Ante Partum (HAP) with preterm labor.Item Hubungan Gangguan Haid Dengan Indeks Masa Tubuh (IMT)(2015-08-10) Utami, SriIndeks Masa Tubuh (IMT) merupakan factor yang berperan dalam kelainan siklus haid, banyak kelainan haid yang diderita seseorang yang memiliki nilai IMT di atas atau di bahwa normal. Pada obesitas misalnya. Sering dijumpai kelainan haid berupa oligomenore. Juga pada amenore lebih sering diderita wanita kurus (Browell & Wilmore, 2007). Desain yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode cross sectional, dengan hasil gangguan menstruasi yang paling banyak di alami oleh siswi MAN 2 Model Pekanbaru adalah dismenore, berdasarkan IMT didapatkan bahwa pada umumnya siswi MAN 2 Model Pekanbaru mempunyai kategori IMT kurus, didapatkan juga bahwa ada hubungan antara oligemenore, polimenore, amanore sekunder dan dismenore dangan Indeks Masa Tubuh IMT pada siswi MAN 2 Model Pekanbaru. Sedangkan gangguan haid yang paling berpengaruh terhadap Indeks Masa Tubuh IMT adalah oligemenoreItem HUBUNGAN TINGKAT PENGETAHUAN DAN SIKAP TENTANG KESEHATAN REPRODUKSI DENGAN TINDAKAN SEKSUAL(2014-05-21) Utami, SriOn essentially the distribution of young people need sex drive, but the lack of information about reproductive health led to the frequent occurrence of abuse of sexual function. Provision of information about reproductive health with the aim of improving knowledge so that students are able to provide options for teens to act responsibly, both to themselves and their families and communities. Cross sectional analytic study on the relationship of the level of knowledge and attitudes about reproductive health with the sexual acts MAN 2 Model student on January 2011 until March 2011 with 228 students as samples taken by simple random sampling. The study found the level of knowledge of respondents about reproductive health with the most low category, the attitude of respondents towards reproductive health with the most positive category, the sexual act with the highest category of respondents who are not at risk, there is no relationship between the level of knowledge about reproductive health to sexual acts of respondents, and there is a relationship between attitudes toward reproductive health with the sexual act respondentsItem Kadar Haemoglobin Ibu Hamil Pada Trimester III Dan Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhinya(2015-08-10) Utami, SriPengukuran kadar haemoglobin adalah salah satu pengukuran tertua dalam laboratorium kedokteran dan tes darah paling sering dilakukan (Kismoyo, 2004). Dari hasil pemeriksaan kadar haemoglobin dapat diketahui apakah seseorang menderita anemia, normal atau polisitemia. Disamping itu kadar haemoglobin juga merupakan salah atu parameter untuk menggambarkan status gizi seseorang. Desain yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah desain deskriptif dengan pendekatan cross sectional study (cross sectional), dimana peneliti berusaha mengidentifikasi kadar haemoglobin ibu hamil pada trimester III dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya. Pada penelitian ini didapatkan 70,5% ibu hamil trimester III dengan anemia dan 29,5% memiliki kadar hemoglobin normal. Kadar hemoglobin rata-rata ibu hamil trimester III 10,57+1,06 gr%. Anemia dalam kehamilan meningkat pada keadaan; memiliki riwayat perdarahan, kualitas antenatal care yang tidak baik, jarak kehamilan yang terlalu singkat, tatus ekonomi dan konsumsi tablet Fe. Secara statistik didapatkan hubungan yang bermakna antara status ekonomi dan konsumsi tablet Fe dengan kadar hemoglobin pada ibu hamil trimester III.Item PENYULUHAN DAN DETEKSI DINI KANKER SERVIK DENGAN METODE IV A (INSPEKSI VISUAL ASAM ASETAT)(2014-04-17) Utami, Sri; AgrinaKanker servik adalah pertumbuhan sel-sel mulut rahim/serviks yang abnormal. Sel-sel ini mengalami perubahan kearah displasia atau mengarah ke keganasan. Kanker servik adalah keganasan pada leher rahim yang bisa terjadi pada wanita di seluruh dunia, dan merupakan penyebab utama kematian pada wanita sesudah kanker payudara. Telah dilakukan penelitian eksperimental yaitu penyuluhan dan deteksi dini kanker servik dengan metode IVA (Inspeksi Visual Asam Asetat) di: Meranti Pandak Rumbai, pada tanggal 15 - 16lanuari 2011 Hasil penelitian didapatkan dari evaluasi penyuluhan tentang Kanker servik, yaitu pengetahuan ibu 30% pengetahuan sangat baik, 20%pengetahuan balk, 30% pengetahuan cukup, 15% pengetahuan kurang, dan 5% pengetahuan buruk. Hasil deteksi dini kanker servik dengan metode IVA (Inspeksi Visual Asam Asetat) meliputi, IVA positif 32% IVA negative 28%IVA radang 12% dan dugaan kanker servik 8%.Item PENYULUHAN DAN DETEKSI DINI KANKER SERVIK DENGAN METODE IVA (INSPEKSI VISUAL ASAM ASETAT)(2014-05-22) Utami, SriCervical cancer is the growth of cervical cells are abnormal. These cells changed direction leading to dysplasia or malignancy. Cervical cancer is a malignancy of the cervix that can occur in women around the world, and is the leading cause of death in women. Experimental studies have been carried out, namely education and early detection of cervical cancer by the method of VIA (Visual Inspection Acetic Acid) in the village of PDTA TI Tanjung, Sawah, Kampar Utara district, on July 14 - 15, 2012. The results obtained from the evaluation of extention about cervical cancer, which is 30% of maternal knowledge is very good knowledge, good knowledge of 31%, 8% of knowledge is enough, 23% lack of knowledge, and 8% bad knowledge. The results of early detection of cervical cancer by the method of VIA (Visual Inspection Acetic Acid) include, positive VIA of 34.3%, negative VIA of 48.6%, VIA inflammation of 8.6% and suspected cervical cancer of 8.6%.Item PERSEPSI IBU BERSALIN TERHADAP PENATALAKSANAAN KECEMASAN YANG DILAKUKAN PERAWAT SELAMA PERSALINAN DI RSUD ARIFIN ACHMAD PEKANBARU(2012-11-12) Utami, SriPenatalaksanaan kecemasaan yang belum terlaksana dengan baik merupakan suatu masalah penting jalam pemberian asuhan keperawatan pada ibu selama persalinan. Penelitian deskriptif komparatif ini dilaksanakan Ji salah satu rumah sakit terpilih di Pekanbaru yang dilakukan untuk mengetahui persepsi ibu bersalin terhadap penatalaksanaan kecemasan yang dilakukan perawat selama persalinan dan perbedaan persepsi antara ibu Dersalin normal (spontan) dengan ibu bersalin abnormal (menggunakan bantuan alat). Pengambilan sampel dilakukan secara convenience untuk mengumpulkan 14 ibu bersalin spontan dan 14 bu bersalin menggunakan bantuan alat. Jumlah subjek tersebut telah memenuhi jumlah sampel minimal yang jitetapkan menggunakan power analisis untuk menguji perbedaan mean dari dua kelompok subjek. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perbedaan skor persepsi antara ibu bersalin spontan dengan ibu Dersalin menggunakan bantuan alat tidak bermakna baik untuk pengkajian maupun intervensi penatalaksanaanItem The Relationship Between The Level Of Knowledge In Pregnant Women Who Have Anemia About High Risk Pregnancy And Antenatal Care Visits Adherence(2015-06-20) Utami, Sri; MisrawatiAntenatal care is the care of pregnance women and her unborn baby througout a pregnancy. The goal of antenatal care is to monitor both of mother and baby througout prenance for looking change may lead to a high risk pregnanacy. The purpose of the study is to identify relationship between level of knowledge about antenatal care among mother pregnance with sequency for controling to health care provider. This study was conduct in Sungai Kuning Bonio Rengat on May 2014. The population involved a total women pregnant in third semester and a sample of 45 who considered. The technique sampling used purposive sampling. The research instrument used in data collection was a questionnaire by using Multiple choice. The information was then analyzed by Chi Squere. The result of study showed that the average age of fregnant woment is 34 yeras old. They have good knowledge was 66% about antenatal care and 22% pair,12 % is worse. They always come to control her pregnancy based on schedule. Most of pregnant women were aware (87%). Based on finding there was significant the corelate between level of knowledge among pregnant women about antenatal care with visit reguler to control their pregnant (p;0,02). The reguler visit of pregnant woment to health care provider is importance to prevent high risk during pregnant especcialy in third semester