Browsing by Author "Sribudiani, Evi"
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Item THE FORMULATION OF SAGO NOODLE WITH MODIFIED CASSAVA FLOUR (MOCAL) COMBINATION(2014-05-24) Fitriani, Shanti; Sribudiani, EviFormulation development of sago noodle is needed to improve its sensory quality especially odor and elasticity. The formulation of sago noodle with modified cassava flow (MOCAL) combination had been studied in this research. The purpose of this research was to find the best formulation of sago starch and MOCAL to make noodle. It was held in Crop Processing and Analysis Laboratory at Agriculture Faculty and Food Chemistry Laboratory at Fishery Faculty, from April to June 2009. The research was done by using completely randomized design (CRD/RAL) by 5 (five) treatments 3 (three) replications. The treatments were: SMO (100% sago starch), SMI (90% sago starch, 10% MOCAL), SM2 (80% sago starch, 20% MOCAL), SM3 (70% sago starch, 30% MOCAL), and SM4 (60% sago starch, 40% MOCAL). The parameters observed were moisture content, ash, and protein content of noodle. Sensory evaluation (odor, color, taste, elasticity and overall acceptance) of noodle was analyzed by Friedman test. The results shows that all treatments give not significantly different effect (P>0,05) for moisture and ash content. The protein content of SMO was not significantly different (P>0,05) with SMI treatment and significantly different'(P<0,05) with SM2, SM3 and SM4 treatments. Based on hedonic scale of sensory evaluation can be concluded that the average level of panelists preferences for all parameters^j of noodle were from neutral to like it. The SM4 (60% sago starch, 40% MOCAL) was the best formulation in this research (moisture content 61,525%, ash 0,195% and protein content 3,497%).Item Identifikasi Sosial Budaya Masyarakat Di Sekitar Kesatuan Pengelolaan Hutan Produksi Tebing Tinggi(2015-04-06) Sribudiani, Evi; YuliarsaKesatuan Pengelolaan Hutan (KPH) sebagai salah satu kebijakan pemerintah dalam menangani berbagai permasalahan kawasan hutan, perlu dan harus didukung perwujudannya. Dengan adanya unit yang mengelola kawasan langsung di tingkat tapak diharapkan pembangunan kehutanan secara menyeluruh dapat terlaksana. Masyarakat yang berada di dalam dan di sekitar kawasan hutan merupakan salah satu faktor penentu keberhasilan dalam pengelolaan suatu kawasan hutan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pola kehidupan sosial budaya masyarakat di dalam dan di sekitar kawasan KPHP Tebing Tinggi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa berdasarkan keputusan Menteri Kehutanan Nomor : SK. 343/Menhut-II/2011, luas wilayah KPHP Model Tebing Tinggi adalah 69.747 Ha yang terdiri dari Hutan Lindung (HL) seluas 412 Ha, dan Hutan Produksi Terbatas (HPT) seluas 69.335 Ha. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 60 % masyarakat Desa Tanjung bermata pencaharian sebagai pekebun yaitu kebun karet, rumbia/sagu, kelapa, pinang dan rambutan, disamping itu terdapat juga masyarakat yang bermata pencaharian sebagai karyawan industri sagu (20%), dan PNS (10%). Penduduk asli Desa Tanjung yaitu suku melayu (80%). Selain suku melayu terdapat juga suku pendatang (20%) yaitu: suku china, batak, jawa, bugis, minang dan suku akit. Kerukunan antar suku di desa ini sangat terasa sehingga masyarakat Desa Tanjung terlihat harmonis dan saling menghargai. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa masyarakat Desa Tanjung Peranap sebagian besar bermata pencaharian sebagai petani kebun (68%). Disamping itu mata pencaharian masyarakat yang lainnya adalah nelayan (12%), pedagang (10%), peternak (5%), dan PNS (5%). Sebagian besar penduduk Desa Tanjung Peranap adalah penduduk asli melayu (70%), pendatang (30%). Pendatang yang berada di daerah ini menurut suku budayanya adalah suku china, batak, bugis, minang dan jawa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa mayoritas responden (73%) tidak mengetahui dan tidak/belum memahami program pembangunan KPHP Model Tebing Tinggi, hanya sebagian dari aparat desa yang memahami dan mengerti tentang pembangunan KPH. Di dua desa contoh yang terpilih pada KPHP Tebing Tinggi, peran perempuan dalam hal pembangunan fisik tidak ada, tetapi dalam hal membantu suami atau bekerja menambah penghasilan cukup besar, misalnya jadi aparat desa, memotong karet (menyadap getah) di kebun bersama suami serta menjadi buruh industri rumah tangga, hal ini dilakukan dengan tidak mengesampingkan tugas utamanya sebagai ibu rumah tangga.Item INVENTARISASI DAN IDENTIFIKASI BIOFISIK HUTAN TASIK NAGA SAKTI(2014-05-24) Sribudiani, EviTujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menghimpun informasi tentang biofisik Hutan Tasik Naga Sakti di Kabupaten Siak. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode pengamatan dan pengukuran langsung di lapangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Hutan Tasik Naga Sakti merupakan hutan alam bekas tebangan dengan kondisi rusak berat. Kawasan hutan merupakan ekosistem hutan rawa gambut dengan ketebalan gambut lebih dari 3 meter. Jenis pohon yang terdapat di hutan Tasik Naga Sakti sebanyak 55 jenis, termasuk dalam 26 suku. Indek dominansi jenis untuk semua tingkat pertumbuhan berkisar antara 0,04 - 0,07 dan indek keragaman jenis berkisar antara 3,00 sampai dengan 3,24. Jenis vegetasi yang mendominir pada semua tingkat pertumbuhan adalah Shorea teysmaniana; Swintonia glauca; sizygium zeylanica; Callophyllum lowii; Dialium induum.Item INVENTARISASI POTENSI NIPAH (Nypa fruticans Wurmb) DI KABUPATEN INDRAGIRI HILIR(2014-05-24) Sribudiani, Evi; SudarmalikThis Research is done as a mean to know the potency nipah in Regency Indragiri Hilir. Research by ground survey with the sampling method. Result of research indicate that the Potency nipah in Regency Indragiri Hilir very big goodness of tree, malai, fruit and leaf handle. Spreading Nipah almost the total region of Indragiri Hilir and spreading still natural and also not yet disturbedItem Kajian Sifat Fisis Batang Nibung (Oncosperma tigilarium)(2018-04-02) Somadona, Sonia; Sribudiani, Evi; Arlita, TutiNibung has been found in Riau Province, esspecealy in Bengkalis regency and reputed as the symbol of unity and fraternity of society and also identy flora for Riau Province. This research aimed to evaluated physical properties based on depth variation (heart, the midlle of bark, and edge of bark) and the height of trank (base, in the midle and end). The testing of physical properties are based on Britis Standard 373-1975. The wet moisture content of Nibung trunk among 40-200%, density of nibung trunk between 0,15-0,67 cm3, and the highest value of swelling three direction is in tangensial to radial and the lowers is longitudinal (tangensial > radial > longitudinal). The result of density test was included in class II (good) and can be base of tructural buidItem PEMANFAATAN PELEPAH KELAPA SAWIT SEBAGAI BAHAN BAKU PAPAN PARTIKEL(2014-05-24) Sulaeman, Rudianda; Sribudiani, EviEach hectare of oil palm plantations on average produce 2 tons of bark per year (LIPI, 2005). The problem is the abundance of waste is currently not fully utilized. With the development of technology, the bark can be used as material for making particle board instead of solid wood boards. This allows performed because, oil palm is a tree containing lignoselulosa fibers that are similar to wood. It can therefore be use as panel products like particle board. This study aims to (1) Making particle boards, (2) Study the physical and mechanical properties of particle board from oil palm midrib. The results showed that the addition of adhesives has improved resistance to water particle board. The use of adhesive has a value of 20% water content, thickness, the absorption of water, and the density of the best particle board that is 7.99%, 2.19%, 9.12% and 1.28 kg/cm2. Physical properties of the tested values in the poor with the use of adhesive particles by 20%, in compliance with JIS Standards.Item PEMANFAATAN SERASAH TEGAKAN Eucalyptus sp. DI INGKUNGAN KAMPUS BINA WIDYA UNIVERSITAS RIAU SEBAGAI BAHAN BAKU CUKA KAYU (ASAP CAIR)(2014-05-24) Sribudiani, Evi; RudiandaThis research aims to use the litter Eucalyptus sp. as a raw material liquid smoke. Litter material is dried until the moisture content of 15% and into the reactor as well as the circuit is closed and the condenser mounted, then turned with a kitchen heater temperature of 300°C. for 2: 2,5 and 3 hours. Observations on the yield of wood vinegar and analysis in the form of % to determine the yield of each material and wood vinegar level of clarity. The results of the research is the yield of wood vinegar garbage or litter plant Eucalyptus sp is equal to 38?73% and the color of the wood vinegar produced from plant waste or litter of Eucalyptus sp is blackish yellow. Further research on the content of liquid smoke and use as preservatives, insecticides and liquid fertilizer for plant growth.Item Pendugaan Kandungan Karbon Di Atas Permukaan Tanah Pada Kawasan Arboretum Universitas Riau(2016-02-10) Pratamasari, Ricky; Sribudiani, Evi; Sulaeman, RudiandaForests be able to absorb carbon dioxide (CO2) and convert it into carbohydrates in the form of carbon and saved it in biomass components of forest. Arboretum area is one of forest area, which is around the Riau University, has the potential of biomass carbon saved in the constituent components. This research aimed to obtain information about the value of the carbons potential in the above ground at arboretum area of Riau University. The carbons potential at the area is one of the benefits of ecosystem services that have economic value, so its existence worthy of attention. Techniques of data collection was done by using the method purposive sampling or transect lines. Above ground biomass estimation was done by summing the biomass of litter, seedlings, undergrowth, saplings, poles and trees. Biomass of saplings, poles and trees was estimated by employing Ketterings et al., (2001). Biomass of litter, seedlings and undergrowth was estimated by employing Indonesian National Standard (SNI 7724: 2011). Value of carbon saved is 0,47 of the biomass. The research results showed that the carbon potential at arboretum area of Riau University is 58,45 ton/ha.Item SIFAT PENGERJAAN KAYU MERANTI MERAH (Shorea leprosula Miq.) DAN KAYU JELUTUNG (Dyera polyphylla Miq.) UNTUK BAHAN BAKU MEUBEL(2016-02-10) Utama, Angga Prayoga; Sulaeman, Rudianda; Sribudiani, EviWoodworking aims to convert the solid wood or wood products wooden panels into useful, valuable and high aesthetic through a series of processes. Shorea leprosula Miq. and Dyera polyphylla Miq. wood is a popular wood in the wood trade and also the production of furniture, but it is not known defect-free value and quality classification of the wood. research needs to be done about the trait of the wood working to determine the defect-free value contained in the wood processing using the techniques of woodworking and properties determined using woodworking class assessment tables. Research method based on ASTM (American Standard Testing and Materials) D-1666-87 (1999), with materials and equipment available. Shorea leprosula Miq. and Dyera polyphylla Miq. wood has a excellent grade in the class woodworking, either defective fiber fluffy, fiber fractures, scratches, scars tear that is classified in 1st class with the average value of damage is not more than 20% of the specimen defects