Browsing by Author "Firzal, Yohannes"
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Item Architecture And Socio-Cultural Life: Redefining Malay Settlement on the east coast of Sumatera(2018-01-04) Firzal, Yohannes; Faisal, GunIn general speaking, Malay settlement is mostly found in traditional compound which is known as kampung that is arranged in a particular pattern. The pattern was documented by Sir Thomas Raffles who noted that Malay’s kampong must have been on or near coast, and not in the interior of a land. Indeed, on the east coast of Sumatera, there can be also found a koto, which is identified as a small compound where the oldest settlement and traditional houses are preserved by a community. This paper is written based on qualitative approach by collecting and structuring field data through several methods such as observation, fieldwork study, interviews, and group discussion. Through this paper, it is used to show Malay’s life is not only built in the sea life and trading community, but also is constructed in riverine life that has brought the culture deep into the interior of Sumatra. In this regard, this research has found the changing the way of Malay life has affected on Malay settlement. Therefore, research in this theme becomes significant in order to find out the life of today’s Malay.Item Domestic Architecture: The Character of the Lum’s House in Bangka Island(2018-01-04) Faisal, Gun; Wihardianto, Dimas; Firzal, YohannesLum people is knows as non-Muslim Malay and can be found mostly in northern part of Bangka island where their daily life is mainly found as fishermen. The word of Lum itself is originated from Belum – not yet – which is meant possession of no religion. Through by the time, Lum’s life was transforming including their social-life and also their house. As one kind of vernacular houses, it has built through long period of time in sea-life tradition, but is changing. In this regard, character of Lum’s house has been put in question. Using a qualitative approach, this grounded theory research was aimed to find variety character of Lum’s house. Therefore, this research was conducted in several methods in order to find data directly from the field. In this sense, field survey became the main tool such as general observation, visual mapping, documenting, and interview. The data were inductively analysed through coded-process in three stages; open coding, axial coding, and selective coding. Then, this paper shows that the way in which Lum people life has became the main influence on the changing character of the house.Item Malay wood carving: The Godang house at Koto Sentajo(Dody, 2019-07-06) Faisal, Gun; Firzal, Yohannes; Kuswoyo, IndraMalay house varies in roof forms such as Limas, Lontiok, Bagonjong, Kajang, Layar, Crossbreed. The house can be identified from its shape, stage, saddle roof, and finials. The house is also enriched by ornaments and carved panel with in certain philosophies and meanings. One of Malay houses is known as a Godang house which can be found at Koto Sentajo. However, this house shows how Malay house is starting about to change. It can be found from wood shifting material, and less ornament used today. This paper investigates on the Godang house in order to understand the changing, the meaning, and preserving Malayness. Qualitative research approach was used to obtain data and information. It has also added with interviews to local ethnic leaders. Field data is analyzed by open coding, axial coding, and selective coding techniques to find variation of wood carving. The finding shows about house layout and typologies of wood carving such as engraving panel on windows. Another carving motif has figured out that is known as Pinang-Pinang, Gasing, Terali Biola, Wajid, Lebah Begantuang, Awan Larat, Kaluk Pakis and Semut Beriring that are carved on the house.Item PEMBERDAYAAN MASYARAKAT DALAM PENGEMBANGANDESA WISATA ADAT KOTO SENTAJO KABUPATEN KUANTAN SINGINGI PROVINSI RIAU(Dody, 2019-07-08) Faisal, Gun; Sulistyani, Andri; Gustina Sari, Genny; Yesicha, Chelsy; Firzal, Yohannes; Safri, SafriPariwisata merupakan sektor unggulan dalam Nawacita dan strategi pembangunan nasional, yaitu pembangunan Indonesia dari daerah pinggiran dan desa dalam kerangka negara kesatuan, serta mewujudkan kemandirian dengan menggerakkan sektor-sektor strategis ekonomi domestik. Salah satu perwujudan partisipasi perguruan tinggi dalam hal ini adalah penyiapan sumber daya manusia lokal sebagai pengelola potensi kewilayahan melalui program desa binaan. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk menyiapkan desa Koto Sentajo sebagai destinasi wisata desa adat unggulan Provinsi Riau. Program pemberdayaan dilaksanakan dengan cara menganalisis ragam sumber daya pariwisata desa, penyiapan masyarakat sadar pola hidup sehat, serta penguatan kapasitas sumber daya manusia melalui pembinaan dan pendampingan lapangan terhadap pimpinan masyarakat serta kelompok sadar wisata Koto Sentajo. Analisis situasi menemukan bahwa desa adat ini dicirikan oleh 27 Rumah Godang lestari dari empat suku yang bermukim, yaitu Suku Melayu, Suku Patopang, Suku Piliang, dan Suku Chaniago, berserta kelengkapan budayanya. Atraksi tambahan didominasi oleh adat Sentajo, berupa pacu jalur, sosoran pondam pandekar tuah (silat randai), tradisi makan bersama di rumah adat, serta atraksi alam berupa areal perkebunan, sungai, sawah, dan hutan adat yang siap dikembangkan. Kelemahan yang ditemukan berupa sanitasi lingkungan yang kuang baik, ketidaksiapan amenitas, dan atraksi yang monoton. Dengan demikian, pendampingan lanjutan masih terus dibutuhkan, terutama dalam pembentukan industri kreatif dan jasa layanan pariwisata yang baik.Item Study of Vernacular Coastal Architecture: The Construction of Akit’s House in Rupat Island(Dody, 2019-07-06) Faisal, Gun; Firzal, Yohannes; Rijal, MuhammadAkit’s house is made mainly by a wood construction, and found as a stilt type house. Roof of the house is made by leaves, and skin of tree is still used as its wall. Nowadays, some changes have occurring on this vernacular house. In turn, this changing becomes an interesting phenomenon, particular on its construction of the house. This research has conducted in qualitative approach in order to find how the changes of the house. Field data gathered by a range of methods such as observation, story-telling, and documentation. The data are analysed and interpreted within an iterative process to expand understanding of the house’s changing. Thus, this research offers an architectural insight into how the cultural life affects on Akit’s houseItem Transformasi Identitas Arsitektur Vernakular Pesisir: Tinjauan Kasus Permukiman Suku Akit Di Pulau Rupat(2018-01-04) Faisal, Gun; Firzal, YohannesJamak terjadi perubahan pola permukiman beriringan dengan perubahan identitas arsitektur. Hal ini juga dapat didefiniskan sebagai salah satu bentuk dari adaptasi, adopsi, atau pun negosiasi antara sesuatu lama dan baru yang terkadang dapat diamati dengan kasat mata. Dalam kasus ini, perubahan identitias arsitektur direkam dari transformasi pola permukiman Suku Akit di Pulau Rupat yang berada di Selat Melaka. Metode penelitian kualitatif dengan paradigma rasionalistik digunakan dalam penelitian ini karena bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi rumah vernakular Suku Akit dan melihat perubahan bentuk dan ruang terkait perubahan budaya dan identitas masyrakat Suku Akit tersebut. Penelitian ini berpedoman pada teori vernakular, teori ruang dan teori tentang perubahan kebudayaan untuk mengidentifikasi perubahan yang terjadi. Studi ini juga menemukan bahwa persinggungan suku animesme ini dengan penduduk lain telah membawa perubahan lebih jauh. Dalam hal ini, kondisi dan komposisi sosial budaya permukiman juga berperan dalam perubahan identitas arsitektur vernakular seperti pembagian ruang, konstruksi rumah, tempat sembahyang/sesajian, atapun terkait tradisi hidup keseharian. Pada akhirnya, transformasi yang terjadi dapat disimpulkan tidak hanya terjadi secara sosial kemasyarakatan, tetapi juga terjadi pada identitas arsitektur vernakular