Browsing by Author "Fatayat, Fatayat"
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Item ANALISA MAHASISWA MENGIKUTI ORGANISASI BADAN EKSEKUTIF MAHASISWA TERHADAP PRESTASI AKADEMIK MENGGUNAKAN METODE K-MEANS CLUSTERING(2020-10) Rahmawati, Rika; Fatayat, FatayatBadan Eksekutif Mahasiswa (BEM) adalah salah satu organisasi yang ada di Universitas Riau. Dalam penelitian ini BEM yang dimaksud adalah BEM tingkat fakultas. Badan Eksekutif ini membawahi jurusan-jurusan di setiap fakultas nya. Salah satu faktor rendahnya minat mahasiswa terhadap organisasi adalah beredarnya sebuah asumsi keliru yaitu mahasiswa yang ikut organisasi dikhawatirkan akan mengalami penurunan prestasi akademik atau Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif (IPK), sehingga membutuhkan waktu yang lama untuk menyelesaikan masa perkuliahan dan dikhawatirkan mahasiswa sulit mendapatkan pekerjaan. Inti dari asumsi keliru ini adalah, mahasiswa yang ikut berorganisasi tidak akan bisa meraih prestasi akademis yang memuaskan. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah mengetahui pengaruh dari organisasi kemahasiswaan terhadap prestasi akademik mahasiswa. Dalam penelitian ini data yang digunakan adalah data akademik dan data aktivitas mahasiswa Universitas Riau angkatan 2014 yang berjumlah 8.686 data. Teknik yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data mining K-means Clustering. K-Means Clustering merupakan metode yang mampu mengelompokkan mahasiswa yang mengikuti organisasi BEM dan yang tidak mengikuti organisasi BEM dengan melihat lama studi, predikat kelulusan dan IPK mahasiswa. Tahapan dalam penelitian ini adalah preparation data, preprocessing data, proses clustering dengan K-Means, pengujian hasil clustering menggunakan silhouette coefficient dan menyimpulkan hasil. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, bahwa mahasiswa yang mengikuti organisasi BEM tidak mempengaruhi prestasi akademik mahasiswa dan Cluster dengan jumlah K=3 memiliki nilai silhouette coefficient sebesar 0,720589245894626 yang termasuk kelompok strong structureItem ANALISIS MANAJEMEN RISIKO KEAMANAN SISTEM INFORMASI PLUT KUMKM PROVINSI RIAU MENGGUNAKAN FRAMEWORK NIST 800-30(Elfitra, 2023-08) Sembiring, Inka Natasya Br; Fatayat, FatayatUPT PLUT-KUMKM Riau Province is an institution that provides comprehensive and integrated non-financial services for cooperatives and micro, small and medium enterprises (KUMKM) to improve production performance, marketing performance, access to financing, HR development through increased entrepreneurial, technical capacity and managerial, as well as institutional performance to increase the competitiveness of KUMKM. At PLUT KUMKM Riau Province there is still no risk management. This can result in threats to the security of information held by agencies. One of the information systems used by PLUT UMKM Riau Province is a website. The reference for this research is the NIST framework (National Institute Standard Technology) developed by the US Department of Commerce. NIST is a standard used to perform information systems security risk management. This standard is used as a reference in implementing information security risk management which aims to predict risks so that an organization does not suffer losses. Based on the research results, it was found that the results of risk management analysis using the NIST 800-30 framework found that there were 10 risks with a high level scale, 25 medium levels and 26 low levels. Risk management using the NIST 800-30 framework can be used as a reference and work procedure in conducting risk assessments and is useful for helping to make decisions about information technology management policies in PLUT KUMKM Riau Province.Item ANALISIS PENENTUAN DOSEN PEMBIMBING SKRIPSI MAHASISWA MENGGUNAKAN NAIVE BAYES CLASSIFIER(2020-09) Rahayu, Sri; Fatayat, Fatayat; Salambue, Roni; Aminuddin, AlDetermination of the mentor lecturer for students is very influential in completing the final task. Lecturers who are competent and in accordance with the field of student's final assignment able to direct of the student's final assignment. In this thesis, text mining is used to classify the appropriate guidance lecturers for students in completing the final assignment. Classification is applied to the title of the student's final assignment based on experience and field of mentor lecturers. The algorithm used naive bayes classifier algorithm. Before the data classification processed at the text preprocessing stage, which consist of case folding, stopcharacter removal, stopword, stemming, and weighted. Evaluation to measure the accuracy of this system using confussion matrix which resulted in 78% accuracy in mentor lecturers and generate acuration of 95% in field of expertise.Item ANALISIS PENERIMAAN PENGGUNAAN WEBSITE DIGITAL LIBRARY UNIVERSITAS RIAU MENGGUNAKAN METODE UNIFIED THEORY OF ACCEPTANCE AND USE OF TECHNOLOGY (UTAUT)(Elfitra, 2023-04) Lestari, Riki Tri; Fatayat, FatayatThe Riau University digital library is one of the efforts of the Riau University library to make it easier for users to get information online to the academic community in terms of providing information such as student final assignments such as online theses, theses, and dissertations (digital local content), etc. One of the determining factors for successful implementation and user acceptance of an information technology system is the attitude of users who utilize the information technology system. This study discusses the acceptance of the use of the Digital Library website at the University of Riau which aims to determine acceptance of the use of the Riau University Digital Library website at the University of Riau with the variables Performance Expectations, Business Expectations, and Facilitating Conditions that influence Behavioral Intentions. Data was collected by distributing questionnaires to 100 respondents using the Digital Library website. Testing the results using tests on multiple linear regression analysis. The results of the test show that there is an influence between the variables performance expectations, business expectations, and facilitating conditions on behavioral intentions of 54.2%. Furthermore, simultaneously or partially the variables of performance expectations, business expectations, and facilitating conditions have a significant influence on behavioral intentions.Item ANALISIS SENTIMEN PADA KOMENTAR INSTAGRAM DPR RI MENGGUNAKAN METODE SUPPORT VECTOR MACHINE(2020-11) Arisma, Fauzan; Fatayat, FatayatInstagram is one of the most used social media in Indonesia. Instagram is often used by young people and government agencies to upload their activities. One feature on Instagram for uploading is posting. In the posting feature, Instagram users can write their opinions on the post, including the DPR RI Instagram. Instagram users can give both positive and negative opinions on posts made by the DPR RI Instagram account so that it is easy to give aspirations. One way to get information through Instagram is to do sentiment analysis. The algorithm that will be used in this research is Support Vector Machine (SVM). The results of this study found that the average negative opinion each month was greater that is equal to 58.69% compared to positive opinions which only amounted to 41.31%. From the SVM classification results obtained the highest average accuracy obtained by using the Rational Basic Function (RBF) kernel which is equal to 65.87%, and the lowest average accuracy value obtained using the Polynomial kernel which is equal to 57.44%.Item ANALISIS TATA KELOLA TEKNOLOGI INFORMASI PEREKAMAN E-KTP PADA DINAS KEPENDUDUKAN DAN PENCATATAN SIPIL KOTA PEKANBARU MENGGUNAKAN FRAMEWORK COBIT 5(perpustakaan UR, 2021-07) Williano, Divo; Fatayat, FatayatInformation technology is an important part of the Department of Population and Civil Registration of Pekanbaru City in conducting and managing E-KTP recording activities. The proper use of Internet Technologhy (IT) at the Department of Population and Civil Registration of Pekanbaru City can improve the performance and efficiency of the E-KTP recording process. Therefore, it is important for the Department of Population and Civil Registration of Pekanbaru City to conduct IT evaluation, direction, and monitoring. The Department of Population and Civil Registration of Pekanbaru City has strategic goals and plans that aim to improve information technology in conducting and managing the E-KTP recording process. This research aims to analyze the information technology governance of the Department of Population and Civil Registration of Pekanbaru City in conducting IT supervision, monitoring IT risk management, determining IT standards, and IT HR management using the COBIT 5 framework. This research focuses on the EDM domain process which emphasizes assessment. IT Governance, optimization of risks and resources which includes practices and activities aimed at evaluating strategic options with five sub-domains (EDM01, EDM02, EDM03, EDM04 and EDM05) in the form of optimization of the Governance framework, optimization of IT benefits, optimization of IT risks, optimization IT resources, and stakeholder transparency in the E-KTP recording activities. The results of this Information Technology Governance analysis are in the form of 60 recommendations for achieving level 1 capabilities in the EDM03 and EDM05 sub domains, and achieving level 3 in the EDM01, EDM02, and EDM04 sub domainsItem ANALISIS TATA KELOLA TEKNOLOGI INFORMASI RECORD CENTER BADAN PENDAPATAN DAERAH PROVINSI RIAU MENGGUNAKAN FRAMEWORK COBIT 5(Elfitra, 2023-06) Oktavian, Mahendri; Fatayat, FatayatInformation technology serves as a supporting medium for determining the success of the Record Center of the Regional Revenue Agency of Riau Province in managing inactive archives. However, its management and services are not yet optimal. Therefore, this research aims to analyze the governance of information technology in the Record Center of the Regional Revenue Agency of Riau Province using the COBIT 5 framework. This study discusses the APO and BAI processes in the subdomains (APO07 and BAI09), measuring them using the Process Assessment Model (PAM) with two respondents based on the RACI chart. The questionnaire was given to the general competency department of the record center with 60 statements (APO07) and the information system development division with 50 statements (BAI09). The measurement results, based on the lowest values determining the process capability levels, show that the APO07 domain has a base practice score of 3.09, which is 69% (Largely achieved), and the BAI09 domain has a base practice score of 2.50, which is 50% (Partially achieved). Based on these results, it can be concluded that the level of IT capability achieved by the Record Center of the Regional Revenue Agency of Riau Province is at level 1 (Performed process) for APO07 and at level 0 (Incomplete process) for the BAI09 domain.Item ANALISIS TINGKAT KAPABILITAS TATA KELOLA TEKNOLOGI INFORMASI DPMPTPSP PROVINSI RIAU BERDASARKAN FRAMEWORK COBIT 5(Elfitra, 2023-02) Dinjani, Radita; Fatayat, FatayatInformation technology has an important role in the Capital Investment Service and Integrated Service One Door of Riau Province. However, the management and use is not maximal. Therefore, this research aims to analyze the level of capability of information technology governance in the Capital Investment Service and Integrated Service One Door of Riau Province based on the COBIT 5 framework method. The study discussed the domain processes of DSS, MEA, DSS01, MEA01, and MEA02. The study had two respondent based on the RACI Chart and each given a questionnaire with 30 statement (DSS01), 50 statements (MEA01), and 30 statements (MEA02). Based on the analysis of the DSS01 base practice scale is 3,17 (Largely Achieved), the work product scale is 2,17 (Partially Achieved), the MEA01 gets the base practice of 3,10 (Largely Achieved), the work product scale of 3,00 (Largely Achieved), the MEA02 gets the base practice scale of 3,00 (Largely Achieved), the work product scales of 2,83 (Partially Achieved). Based on the result of the analysis concluded that the level of information technology capability achieved by the Capital Investmenet Service and Integrated Service One Door of Riau Province for DSS01 and MEA02 domains are at level 0 (Incomplete Process), while the MEA01 domain is at level 1 (Performed Process).Item EVALUASI ANTARMUKA PADA WEBSITE RUMAH SAKIT UNIVERSITAS RIAU DENGAN METODE HEURISTIC(Elfitra, 2022-04) Sari, Yelpi Nanda; Fatayat, FatayatThe University Of Riau Hospital website is a system that is used as a means to access information about the University Of Riau Hospital more quickly via an internet connection. The system is expected to provide convenience for every user. As time goes by, of course it is necessary to evaluate to measure whether or not the interface on the website can affect user satisfaction. The purpose of this study was to evaluate and measure the level of quality and success the University Of Riau Hospital website using the heuristic method and provide recommendations for improvement as a solution to improve the quality of the website. The heuristic method is a method for evaluating interface using 10 heuristic variables, so that they can identify problems in the website interface design. The results obtained in the calculations in this study were that the highest percentage index with a excellent category, namely on the principle of Aesthetic and minimalist design with A1 code of 96,00% and recognition rather than recall principle with R2 code of 92,00% and lowest percentage index with a adequate category, the principle of Visibility of system status with a V2 code of 52,00%, the principle of Visibility of system status with a V1 code of 60,00% and the principle of User control and freedom with a U2 code of 60,00% as a usability problem so that recommendations for improvement was needed to be given.Item Event of the 2020 regional head election became controversial, because it was held during the Covid-19 that hit Indonesia. Although it was postponed, the General Elections Commission (KPU) has rescheduled the 2020 regional head elections until the end of the year. The KPU believes that the regional head election will still be carried out by prioritizing health protocols at every stage of the regional head election. Responding to two equally important conditions, comments appear on various social media such as Twitter where everyone is free to give positive and negative opinions. Public concerns arise if the 2020 simultaneous regional head elections are still held, the possibility of Covid-19 getting out of control. This regional head election will be an arena for the spread and transmission of Covid-19 on a large scale. The studied was conducted to obtain a general perception or picture of public sentiment towards the implementation of regional head elections during the Covid-19 using the Support Vector Machine (SVM) method. The stages in this research included data collection, data pre-processing, TF-IDF weighting, data sharing, classification used Support Vector Machine (SVM) and evaluation used a confusion matrix. Based on the resulted of the research used the confusion matrix, the highest accuracy value is 97%, the highest precision value is 96.8% and the recall is 99% with the distribution of tested data and training data 90%: 10%.(Elfitra, 2022-07) Sepdiansyah, Wahyu; Fatayat, FatayatEvent of the 2020 regional head election became controversial, because it was held during the Covid-19 that hit Indonesia. Although it was postponed, the General Elections Commission (KPU) has rescheduled the 2020 regional head elections until the end of the year. The KPU believes that the regional head election will still be carried out by prioritizing health protocols at every stage of the regional head election. Responding to two equally important conditions, comments appear on various social media such as Twitter where everyone is free to give positive and negative opinions. Public concerns arise if the 2020 simultaneous regional head elections are still held, the possibility of Covid-19 getting out of control. This regional head election will be an arena for the spread and transmission of Covid-19 on a large scale. The studied was conducted to obtain a general perception or picture of public sentiment towards the implementation of regional head elections during the Covid-19 using the Support Vector Machine (SVM) method. The stages in this research included data collection, data pre-processing, TF-IDF weighting, data sharing, classification used Support Vector Machine (SVM) and evaluation used a confusion matrix. Based on the resulted of the research used the confusion matrix, the highest accuracy value is 97%, the highest precision value is 96.8% and the recall is 99% with the distribution of tested data and training data 90%: 10%.Item KLASIFIKASI KELAYAKAN KENDARAAN BERMOTOR BERDASARKAN UJI KIR MENGGUNAKAN ALGORITMA C4.5 DI DINAS PERHUBUNGAN KABUPATEN KAMPAR(Elfitra, 2022-02) Rahmadeni, Chintya; Fatayat, FatayatMotor vehicle testing is a vehicle testing process as a determinant of the feasibility of a vehicle operating on the highway. The goal is to minimize the possibility of accidents and create safety. The UPTD PKB of the Kampar Regency Transportation Service carried out motor vehicle testing on 4-wheeled vehicles such as goods transporting cars and passenger cars. The KIR test includes a pre-test and mechanical test with many criteria that must be tested on each vehicle. This study aims to built an information system for the proper and unfit classification of motorized vehicles by applied the C4.5 algorithm and implemented it into an information system. The system design is designed based on UML and websitebased. This study used 1729 datasets which are then divided into training and testing data with a ratio of 80%:20%. So that there are 1383 training data and 346 testing data from the calculation results obtained 27 rules. The application of data mining on the classification of the feasibility of motorized vehicles used the C4.5 algorithm produced an accuracy rate of 97,688%, recall 100%, and precision 97,561%.Item PERAMALAN HASIL PANEN KELAPA SAWIT PADA PT INTI INDOSAWIT SUBUR MENGGUNAKAN METODE DEKOMPOSISI(Elfitra, 2022-01) Shafik, Muhamad; Fatayat, FatayatPT Inti Indosawit Subur has varios yields of palm oil each year. The research was conducted with the stages of analyzing data needs, collecting data and forecasting with the Decomposition Method. In the Decomposition Method, there are four stages of calculation in the Decomposition Method, namely looking for Trend values, Seasonal Index, and Cyclic Variation, and error values. Manual calculations and system testing resulted in output where the first quarter amounted to 152607,635, the second quarter amounted to 175377,875, the third quarter amounted to 248788,019, and the fourth quarter amounted to 255027,911 with a the forecasting results are tested by tracking signal. The tracking signal value in this oil palm forecasting that is of -4 because the tracking signal value is in the range of -4 to +4, so it can be concluded that the forecasting of oil palm yields at PT Inti Indosawit Subur using the Decomposition Method is valid.Item PERENCANAAN STRATEGIS SISTEM INFORMASI DENGAN METODE ENTERPRISE ARCHITECTURE PLANNING (STUDI KASUS : BPS PELALAWAN)(Elfitra, 2023-05) Maulana, Allan; Fatayat, FatayatInformation systems is a field of technology that includes very rapid development. The use of information systems for progress for an organization or company is an absolute thing that must be implemented. Information systems have a significant impact on the development of an organization's business processes if implemented according to the ideal principles of Information System implementation. Strategic planning is long-term planning by providing a formulation to the organization /company on how resources are used to achieving goals within a certain period. To obtain an optimal implementation of IS/IT planning, an IS/IT strategy that is aligned with the business strategy of the company's product needed. The Central Bureau of Statistics of Pelalawan Regency is one of the government agencies engaged in statistics. BPS Pelalawan has a role, namely to provide data needs for the government and the community. Data was obtained from censuses or surveys conducted by themselves and also from departments or other government agencies as a secondary data. The goals of this study is to create a good and clean information system strategic plan using the Enterprise Architectures Planning method. Based on the analysis of the main and supporting activities, a portfolio of information system applications was obtained, namely EDocument Information Systems, E-Library Information Systems, E-Employee Information Systems, and E-Finance Information Systems. I implemented in 2024 where each application will be made for 3 months.Item PERENCANAAN STRATEGIS SISTEM INFORMASI PERPUSTAKAAN TENNAS EFFENDY MENGGUNAKAN METODE TOZER(Elfitra, 2023-10) Sandi, Arya; Fatayat, FatayatThe Tennas Effendy Library is a library under the auspices of the Pekanbaru City Library and Archives Service (Dispusip) which provides various books for people of all ages and of any type. Information systems have an important role in improving the quality and credibility of Tennas Effendy library services in the increasingly developing digital era. The Tennas Effendy Library already has an information system to carry out its business processes, but this is felt to be less than optimal because it does not cover all service needs and library business processes. This research uses the Tozer method to produce effective and efficient information system strategic planning by identifying external and internal library factors, analyzing relevant strategies, and providing solutions that suit library service development needs. The results of this research are to explain the business conditions and library information systems, provide recommendations for the development of effective and efficient information systems in improving library services, and provide a time portfolio for implementing plans in accordance with the required information system priorities.Item PREDIKSI JUMLAH ANAK BERISIKO STUNTING MENGGUNAKAN ALGORITMA NAÏVE BAYES(Elfitra, 2022-10) Yufita, Nurussakinah; Fatayat, FatayatThe Government of the Republic of Indonesia in 2017 established the National Strategy (STRANAS) as a form of government effort in accelerating the reduction of stunting in Indonesia. Through the STRANAS, the government succeeded in reducing the stunting rate in Indonesia with the prevalence of stunting from 32.7% in 2013 to 27.67% in 2019. The government has targeted that in 2024 the stunting prevalence rate in Indonesia can decrease to 14 percent. It means that the government should be able to reduce the prevalence rate every year by 2.7%. Based on data from the Pekanbaru City Health Office, in 2021 the area with the highest stunting locus is in Lima Puluh Subdistrict with a stunting prevalence of 7.29%. In this case, the Lima Puluh Health Center, which is responsible for the main health services in handling stunting problems in Lima Puluh District, has made efforts to monitor the nutritional health conditions of toddlers in accordance with the program provided by the government by opening posyandu services every month. However, problems were found, namely delays in data delivery by posyandu cadres and data input by puskesmas health workers making monitoring of the nutritional health of children under five too late. Therefore, this study was conducted to predict children at risk of stunting using the nave Bayes algorithm and the accuracy of the algorithm was measured using a confusion matrix. Training data and testing data are divided using K-fold cross validation. Based on the results of research using 830 data, the best accuracy is found in fold 5 with an accuracy presentation of 73% and is implemented in a web-based programming system.Item PREDIKSI JUMLAH PENGUNJUNG PERPUSTAKAAN UNIVERSITAS RIAU MENGGUNAKAN METODE DEKOMPOSISI(2020-10) Indah, Novia Handayani Putri; Fatayat, FatayatRiau University Library has a number of visitors that vary each year. The uncertainty number of visitors within a year as well as the lack of infrastructure in Riau University Library, therefore a system to predict number of visitors each year is required to improve its facilities and services. This thesis describes the process of predicting the number of visitors to the Library of Riau University using the Decomposition Method. The research was conducted by analyzing the data requirements, collecting data and predicting the decomposition method. In the decomposition method, there are four calculation stages in the decomposition method, namely finding the value of the Trend, Seasonal Index, and Cyclic Variation, and the error value. In the system design stage, there are three diagrams used, namely Use Case, Class Diagram, and Activity Diagram. Manual calculations and system testing are carried out to produce the same output, so that the resulting predictions can be said to be valid.Item PREDIKSI PENJUALAN PERLENGKAPAN OLAHRAGA MENGGUNAKAN ALGORITMA C4.5 (STUDI KASUS: FATIMA SPORT TEMBILAHAN)(Elfitra, 2021-12) Maita, Titi Ri; Fatayat, FatayatSports are exercises to strengthen and nourish the body (such as football, swimming, marathons) or activities that involve the physical and skills of individuals or teams, carried out for entertainment. FATIMA Sport Tembilahan has not analyzed its sales of sport equipment's so it does not know whether the products being sold are in great demand, either from the brands or types of products available as well as what products are selling well and what products are not selling well. This study aimed to build a system that could predict the sales of goods that were in demand and not in demand by using the C4.5 algorithm. The attributes used were the type of goods, types of sports, brands, prices, quantities and the resulting predictions are in demand and not in demand. This system designed use UML diagrams with the PHP programming language and MySQL database. The results of system testing that carried out using a confusion matrix against 54 sales data with best-selling and non-selling labels produce an accuracy rate of 85.19% .Item SISTEM INFORMASI GEOGRAFIS PEMETAAN LOKASI TEMPAT PEMBUANGAN SAMPAH SEMENTARA KOTA PEKANBARU MENGGUNAKAN METODE PROMETHEE(wahyu sari yeni, 2019-01-31) Desriana, Ria; Fatayat, FatayatThe clean environment is a very desirable needs in maintaining human survival. The environmental problem that always happens is the problem of garbage. To build a temporary landfill, need to observe several criteria such as easy access, land area, distance from settlement, distance from clean water, distance from river, distance from airport. Currently, determining the location of temporary landfill in Pekanbaru city is still done manually. This takes a long time enough, then it needed an web-based geographic information system to determines the location of temporary landfill in Pekanbaru city using promethee method. Geographic information system mapping the location of temporary landfill that produced are capable to processing sub-district data, processing location of temporary landfill data, and display location map of temporary landfill in Pekanbaru city, and make it easier for Authorities of Environmental and Sanitary in Pekanbaru city to determining the best location for temporary landfill. The final result of promethee calculation is a ranking based on the preference value of each alternative. The alternative that has the highest value is the best location to be used as a temporary landfillItem SISTEM PAKAR DIAGNOSA PENYAKIT TANAMAN CAPSICUM ANNUM L. (CABE) BERDASARKAN FASE PERTUMBUHAN MENGGUNAKAN ALGORITMA NAIVE BAYES(Elfitra, 2023-05) Zafira, Siti; Fatayat, FatayatChili / chili is commonly known as a cooking spice for those who like spicy flavors. Chili is of course one of the natural ingredients that produces a red color and a spicy taste in cooking. One of the factors causing the low quality of chili is because it is threatened by pests and plant diseases. Pest and disease attacks during the growth phase cause the chili plants to die before they grow and cannot be harvested. The impact of diseases and pests on chili plants during the growth phase of these plants greatly affects the economic growth of farmers. The Department of Agriculture and Food Crops of the Rokan Hilir Regency seeks to provide guidance and development so that chili farmers in the Rokan Hilir district can produce the best harvests and reduce yields from pests and plant diseases. Due to the lack of experienced human resources in handling this case, a system is needed that can replace an expert in diagnosing a particular case. This study aims to apply the Naïve Bayes algorithm to an expert system for diagnosing Capsicum Annum L (Chili) plant disease. Naïve Bayes is an algorithm that uses a statistical approach in making decisions so that it can be said that naïve Bayes is an algorithm that is very suitable when applied to an expert system for diagnosing diseases of Capsicum Annum L. (Chili) plants based on growth phases.Item SISTEM PENCARIAN JUDUL SKRIPSI MENGGUNAKAN METODE VECTOR SPACE MODEL BERBASIS WEB(Elfitra, 2022-07) Karyana, Dadang; Fatayat, FatayatEvery year, student thesis research is increasing and with the addition of these documents, users will search for thesis titles with appropriate keywords. To make it easier for users to search for thesis titles, the author makes a system, namely a Vector Space Model-based thesis title search system which aims to make it easier for users to find thesis titles recommended by the system by knowing how accurate the search is. The vector space model method is used to measure the similarity between a document and a query. The basic concept of the method is to calculate the distance between documents and then sort them based on the level of proximity.The work principle starts with case folding, data cleaning, indexing, filtering, stemming, and tokenization, namely the cutting stage of the input string based on each word that compiles it and splitting the document into a word frequency table. All words in the document are formed into one, which is called a term. Each document is displayed as a vector which will be compared with the terms that have been formed. Lastly, Similarity Analysis to measure the similarity of documents is done by calculating the Cosine distance between the documents. The final results of the search for the title of the thesis using the vector space model method obtained the Cosine Similarity value where D3 has the highest value with a value of 0.09096, which means that D3 has the highest level of similarity with the query value. So that the documents that are expected to appear with a high degree of accuracy can be found precisely and the resulting documents are few.