Browsing by Author "Dewi, Yulia Irvani"
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Item CORRELATION BETWEEN DIET DIVERSITY AND TODDLER’S NUTRITIONAL STATUS(FACULTY OF NURSING UNIVERSITAS RIAU, 2020-11-04) Indriati, Ganis; Amir, Yufitriana; Dewi, Yulia IrvaniThis study aims to determine correlation between diet diversity and nutritional status in toddler. Method: This is a descriptive correlation study with a cross-sectional approach. Furthermore, the samples were mothers who have toddler with total of 77 respondents. Data were collected using diet diversity questionnaire to assess food diversity and anthropometrics for toddler’s nutritional status. Result: It was found that most respondents are between 17 – 25 years (98.7%), senior high school education (58.5%) and are housewives (71.4%). Furthermore, the toddlers were mostly female (53.2%) aged 12 – 24 months (57.1%). The food diversity they consume was more than 6 groups, hence high category was classified by diet diversity tools for 73 toddlers (94.8%). Also, their nutritional status was in good category by anthropometrics (84.4%). The data analysis results using Somers’d correlation test obtained p value of 0.059 and alpha 0.05. Conclusion: In this study, diet diversity was not associated with toddler's nutritional status.Item Effectiveness Of Reproductive Health Education On Parent As Prevention Of Sexual Abuse In School Age Children (7-12 Years) In Pekanbaru(2016-01-13) Indriati, Ganis; Dewi, Yulia IrvaniThe research on the effectiveness of reproductive health education on parents as prevention of sexual abuse in school age children (7-12 years) was performed on 60 parents as respondent, in Pekanbaru. This study is quasy experiments used pre and post test approach so that the respondent will be divided into an experimental group. The purpose of this study was to identify the effectiveness of reproductive health education for prevention sexual abuse in school age children. Statistical’s test by Wilcoxon and Man Whitney showed that health education is more effective to increase respondent’s knowledge. The study found that health education effective to increase respondent’s knowledge about reproductive’s health on experimental group than control group (p < a). However, this study suggest that community health workers in primary health centers, should continue to give health education about reproductive’s health, to parents who have school age children, as to prevent the occurrence of sexual abuse of schoolage childrenItem HUBUNGAN TINGKAT PENGETAHUAN TERHADAP UPAYA PENCEGAHAN HIV/AIDS PADA IBU RUMAH TANGGA DI RW 5 KELURAHAN MERANTI PANDAK(2013-07-11) Wulandari, Ririn; Dewi, Yulia Irvani; Karim,DarwinThe research aims to determined the relationship between level of knowledge on HIV/AIDS with prevention efforts housewife in RW 5 Kelurahan Meranti Pandak Pekanbaru. The design of reseacrh with cross sectional correlation. The total sample are 170 people who were taken by using propotional cluster sampling techniques with respect to the inclusion criteria. The measuring instruments used a questionnaire that have been tested for validity and realiability. Analysis is used univariate and bivariate analyzes with Chi-Square test. The result showed (p-value 0,052 > 0,05), and that there was no relationship between level of knowledge on HIV/AIDS with prevention efforts housewife in RW 5 Kelurahan Meranti Pandak. According results of this study are expected role of active government efforts to improved the public's knowledge about HIV / AIDS, especially in the group of housewives.Item MENTAL HEALTH PROBLEM RESOLUTION MODEL ON COLLEGE STUDENTS: A LITERATURE REVIEW(FACULTY OF NURSING UNIVERSITAS RIAU, 2020-11-04) Nauli, Fathra Annis; Dewi, Yulia Irvani; Wahyuni, Sri; Zukhra, Ririn MuthiaThe aim of this study is to examine the literature, articles and research documents identifying models for solving mental health problems that occur in college students. Method: A literature review searched five electronic databases (Scopus, PubMed Science Direct, CINAHL and Springer Link) using the keywords Completion Model, Mental Health Problem Student AND Recovery Model Anxiety, and College Student Depression. The inclusion criteria for articles are publishing period (2016-2020), can be fully access (full text), and original articles. Result: Based on the 14 articles reviewed, it was found that 13 (92.86%) using the student mental health problem solving model were carried out online through the web (57.14%) and (28.58%) online-based therapy and 1 research article used an offline model with counseling method. Conclusion: Based on the results of the articles, it was stated that the model for solving mental health problems in college students can be done by online methods, through the web and therapeutic interventions and offline methods with counseling.Item Perlakuan Yang Berbeda Diterima Perempuan Hamil Yang Didiagnosis HIV/AIDS(2015-08-10) Dewi, Yulia IrvaniDidiagnosis HIV/AIDS merupakan permasalahan yang berat bagi perempuan hamil. Hal ini akan berdampak tidak hanya masalah fisik tetapi juga masalah psikis dan sosial. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menggali berbagai pengalaman perempuan hamil yang didiagnosis HIV/AIDS dengan metode penelitian fenomenologi. Partisipan dipilih dengan kriteria tertentu dengan metode purposif. Enam partisipan yang berpartisipasi pada penelitian ini yaitu perempuan hamil yang didiagnosis HIV/AIDS mulai dari awal kehamilan sampai melahirkan, dapat menceritakan pengalamannya dengan lancar, berdomisili dan melakukan pemeriksaan kesehatan kehamilan di wilayah DKI Jakarta, dan menyatakan bersedia untuk ikut dalam studi ini. Data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara mendalam sebanyak dua kali yang dilengkapi dengan catatan lapangan. Wawancara direkam kemudian dibuat transkrip wawancara. Hasil penelitian ditemukan bahwa semua partisipan dalam penelitian ini adalah ibu hamil yang didiagnosis HIV/AIDS memiliki karakteristik yang berbeda.Sebanyak 6 partisipan terlibat dalam penelitian ini mengungkapkan fenomena bahwa pengalaman mereka menjalani kehamilan dengan HIV positif adalah diperlakukan berbeda dari perempuan hamil lainnya, perbedaan ini dirasakan oleh partisipan dari regimen pengobatan khusus untuk peremuan hamil yang didiagnosis HIV/AIDS serta partisipan juga diperlakukan berbeda oleh tenaga kesehatan. Penelitian ini memberikan implikasi berupa informasi yang bermanfaat untuk penentuan kebijakan bagi pemerintah dan LSM yang terkait dalam pengelolaan perempuan hamil yang didiagnosis HIV/AIDS, perawat yang bekerja di area keperawatan maternitas dan penelitian selanjutnya sehingga akan meminimalkan resiko morbiditas dan mortalitas ibu dan janinItem Prevalence And Risk Factors Of Anaemia In Pregnant Women In Public Health Centre Pekanbaru(2015-06-20) Dewi, Yulia IrvaniAnaemia has been a problem in developed and developing countries. It has negative effects on both mother and fetus. Anaemia increases the risks of complication in pregnancy and the process of delivery such as maternal death, prematurity, underweight birth, and perinatal death. This study was aimed to assess anaemia prevalence and to determine its factors in pregnant women. A crosssectional survey was conducted from April to September 2014. The samples were 64 pregnant women who were anaemic and attended the antenatal-care facilities of Public Health Centre in Pekanbaru Indonesia. Accidental sampling technique was used. A single stool sample was also collected from each selected pregnant woman. Haemoglobin (Hb) level was determined by the cyanmethemoglobin method. The data were analized by descriptive analysis method. The prevalence of moderate anaemia was 81.3%. The highest risk factors of anaemia were based on (1) the characteristics of respondents: age of 20-35 years (73.4%), Minangnese (42.2%), house wife (92.2%), senior-highschool educated (46.9%), and 2-million-per-month income (75%); (2) the characteristics of pregnancy: multiparity (71,9%), third trimester of gestation (59.4%), > 2 years birth interval (43.8%), and antenatal-clinic visit less than 4 times (75%); and (3) consumption patterns: no food taboos (76.6%), no drinking tea (79.1%), and drinking coffee (67.2%). However, 15 respondents had food taboos (23,4%), and the highest taboo food was fish (9.36%); 21.9% of the respondents drank tea, and 67.2% of them drank coffee during pregnancy. The high prevalence of anaemia indicates that it is currently a serious health problem of pregnant women in Pekanbaru. The pregnant women should have more antenatal care to check and monitor their pregnancy condition and to get more education on food consumption.