Pengelolaan Danau Bakuok Kecamatan Tambang Berbasis Kearifan Lokal

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wahyu sari yeni


The era of sustainable development requires people and the government to be able to cooperate in carrying out a development. One form of participation that is able to engage the community enthusiastically when a policy is able to touch the local wisdom side. Lake Bakuok is a lake that has a tradition of being managed by the community, one form of which is to hold an annual agenda as a form of the traditional program, Maauwok. The village of Aur Sati is an administrative area of Lake Bakuwok, in the village there are 10 Tribes that manage Lake Bakuwok together with the village government. The research method used is the Qualitative approach, which is the informant of this research are the Village Head, Customary Head and local community. Management based on local wisdom will certainly be in line with maintaining environmental values. Simplicity by passing down the method is a preliminary idea of managing Bakuwok Lake based on local wisdom, but what is found is not in line between the basic principles of local wisdom that occur. around the lake already planted with palm oil plants in ecosystems, of course oil palm will absorb water and cause the lake to dry. The next thing was found a number of ulayat lands that were allegedly sold, because of abuse of authority by the chief. So this article will analyze the policy of managing Lake Bakuok based on local wisdom



Local Wisdom, Indigenous Peoples, Environment
