Yanti, Siska RahmaKhairijonSofiyanti, Nery2014-03-282014-03-282014-03-28Rangga Dwijunanda Putrahttp://repository.unri.ac.id/xmlui/handle/123456789/5984Sungai Rawa Village, Sungai Apit District, Siak Regency is one of regions in Riau Province that has mangrove forest. Some mangrove species, including Rhizophora sp., are found in this forest. The aim of this research was to analyzed the litter production of Rhizophora. The study area was divided into three zones : Zone I, Zone II, and Zone III. A total of 10 litter traps, 50cm x 50cm x 50cm in size, were placed in each zone using a purposive sampling method. Each litter trap was collected every 2 weeks for three months which are April, May and June 2013. The litter was analyzed by measuring the dry weight. The envinronment parameters observed in this study were rainfall, air temperature, humidity, salinity and density of Rhizophora. The highest litter production of Rhizophora for three months was found in Zone II (794,5 gr/m 2/month). The litter production was higher in April than the other months which is 299,9 gr/m2 /month.otherMangrovesLitter ProductionRhizophora in Sungai Rawa SiakPRODUKSI SERASAH RHIZOPHORA DI KAWASAN HUTAN MANGROVE DESA SUNGAI RAWA KECAMATAN SUNGAI APIT KABUPATEN SIAK, RIAUOther