Astuti, DwiMomon, Momon2021-03-122021-03-122019-11978-60251349-1-3wahyu sari yeni number of vehicles in the city of Padang increases every year. The increasing number of these vehicles is liner towards increasing fuel consumption, so that the exhaust emissions released are also increasing. The analysis technique in this study is to use the calculation of Flue Gas Emissions published by the Ministry of National Development Planning of the Republic of Indonesia and emission factor standards issued by Pertamina. Based on the calculation results show that the amount of exhaust emissions in the city of Padang is 3,277.45 tCO2-e. To cope with these emissions (CO2), the main strategy or mitigation needs to be done namely Avoid, which is to avoid or reduce travel or the need for travel, Shift (switch), i.e. switch to a more environmentally friendly mode of transportation, Improve (increase) ), i.e. increasing the energy efficiency of the mode of transportation and vehicle technologyenMotorized VehiclesFlue Gas EmissionsEmisi GasSTRATEGI PENURUNAN EMISI GAS BUANG KENDARAAN DI KOTA PADANGArticle