Taufik, HendraLarici, Ria2016-03-072016-03-072016-03-07978-979-792-636-6wahyu sari yenihttp://repository.unri.ac.id/xmlui/handle/123456789/8042Project Housing development has growing fast in Pekanbaru. It is not only in the central city but also in the suburbs area. PT Tiga Berlian Sejahtera is developing housing project at Jl. Pekanbaru-Bangkinang, Rimbo Panjang, Kampar Regency. The objective of this research is Berlian Kuok sejahtera’s housing with 3 Ha area and 141 housing units will be marketed. This construction by using alternative is 30% equity and 70% loan. The purpose of this thesis is to determine investment feasibility of project housing development Berlian Kuok Sejahtera with indicator of investment feasibility using method Net Present Value (NVP), Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR), and Internal Rate of Return (IRR). Then, sensitivity level will be tested of investment, interest rate, benefit, and cost. From the financial terms, the return on investment with a period of 3 years can be fulfilled with a value of NPV Rp,44, IRR amount to 20,42%, and the BCR at 1,07. From the sensitivity analysis, housing development Berlian Kuok Sejahtera still feasible to limit investment costs increased to 11,32%, the interest rate increased to 63,38%, the sensitivity of benefit decreased 9,47% and sensitivity of cost increased by 136,34%.enhousing developmentinvestment feasibilityBCRIRRNVPsensitivityAnalisa Kelayakan Investasi Proyek Pembangunan Perumahan Berlian Kuok SejahteraUR-Proceedings