Putra, Achmad Reza2013-03-132013-03-132013-03-13Muchtar Rahmathttp://repository.unri.ac.id:80/handle/123456789/2516This study describes the Hollywood movies as a means of cultural diplomacy of United States towards Indonesia. Hollywood was established by Jewish immigrants from Europe in 1910 with the aim of creating an independent film industry. Hollywood films have been used as a means of cultural diplomacy by the United States to shape public perceptions in accordance with what is desired by the United States. Distribution of Hollywood movies have spread around the world, including Indonesia. Hollywood movies are considered to influence the culture of Indonesia.The data sources used in this research are books, journals, working papers, valid news from websites and newspaper.Hollywood movies in Indonesia influence impacted directly or indirectly to the development of culture in Indonesia. Hollywood films containing values of U.S. society in it. Cultural values contributed to Hollywood's changes occur in the values of the culture of Indonesia. The changes that occur include the attitudes, the values, lifestyles, language, to the ideology. For the people of Indonesia, these changes do not take place quickly, but slowly, step by step.otherchange of valuesHollywood moviesIndonesian cultureperception,propagandaDIPLOMASI BUDAYAAMERIKA SERIKAT TERHADAP INDONESIA MELALUI HOLLYWOOD MOVIESstudent Paper Post Degree