Asmania, Asmania2022-08-152022-08-152022-04PerpustakaanElfitra fruit jengkol (Archidendron pauciflorum) belongs to fabaceae (legumes). This species is native to tropical plants originating from Southeast Asia which is commonly consumed as fresh vegetables and processed dishes. Jengkol has many nutritional benefits and potentials due to the high content of chemical compounds and secondary metabolites that small fruit jengkol has. The local community has not optimally cultivated jengkol and their genetic information is still limited. This study aimed to isolate the total DNA of small fruit jengkol plants as samples JK1, JK2, and JK3 using the Genomic DNA plant mini kit (Genaid) method. The stages of this research were sampling, total DNA isolation, PCR and total DNA electrophoresis. Results of this study showed that JK1, JK2, and JK3 samples revealed more than 10,000 bp with intact, bright and thick DNA bands.enArchidendron pauciflroumDNA isolationFabaceaeGeneticJengkolISOLASI DNA TOTAL TUMBUHAN JENGKOL BUAH KECIL (Archidendron pauciflorum) SAMPEL JK1 JK2 DAN JK3Article