Hambali, Hambali2022-01-022022-01-022007-07-010852-3185https://repository.unri.ac.id/handle/123456789/10370The children mean new generation, asset, and owners of state and nation. So, the state develpoment will be strongly determined by the way how to carry out them from now on to built up the new nation and to improve the qualified human resources. Indonesia which has ratified International Human Rights Convention on Children hopes to be able to involve significant influences in developing and caring the children rights on education. These effort should be supported by anyone through doing anything simply and commitment of all institutions such as government, non formal institution, society, and parents.otherchildren rightseducationsolutionHAK ANAK ATAS PENDIDIKAN, PEMENUHAN HAK DAN SOLUSINYA (Dimulai dari Lingkungan Keluarga dan Aktivitas Sederhana)Article