Nuryanti, Nuryanti2021-08-242021-08-242020-10wahyu sari yeni existence of aquifer layer and water quality tests in Rimba Panjang, Kampar have been explored using geoelectric resistivity method with Wenner configuration and hydrogeochemical method. Geoelectrical method is one of geophysical methods to understand geological condition subsurface based on resistivity value of rock types. Hydrogeochemical method is a method for studying the chemical composition of water. Identification of the aquifer layer was carried out on 2 tracks with a length of each track of 100 meters. Based on the resistivity value, the subsurface lithology of the research area consists of layers of clay, peat, sand, sandstone, and gravel to dry gravel. Based on the results of data processing, the data interpretation using Res2Dinv software and geological data of the surrounding area, it is known that the subsoil conditions and the presence of groundwater aquifers in the study area with a resistivity value of 89,2 – 1023,9 Ωm with a depth of less than 8 meters.The quality of groundwater in this research area is classified as clean and suitable for consumption as clean water. The results of the water quality test of the two samples carried out showed the results for pH values of 7.53 and 8.19, BOD 10.2 mg/L and 10.6 mg/L. The two test parameters show a value below the standard of clean water quality, which means that the water in this research area is not polluted.enanalysiaquifersgeoelectrical methodWenner and hydrogeochemical methodIDENTIFIKASI AKUIFER DANGKAL DENGAN MENGGUNAKAN METODE GEOLISTRIK KONFIGURASI WENNER DAN HIDROGEOKIMIA DI DESA RIMBA PANJANGArticle