syariyanti, Nurma2012-11-082012-11-082012-11-08Arbi Sahuri research was conducted in PT.Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk (Telkom) Plasa Siak purpose of this study was (1) to determine whether a variable location, quality and variety of products, pricing, advertising and promotion, office services and the atmosphere influence the consumer's decision to subscribe Telkom Speedy (2) to determine the factors that most influence the consumer's decision to subscribe Telkom Speedy. Methods of data collection through interviews, and observation quesioner. To analyze the data collected on the use of descriptive methods. Based on the research and discussion it is known that (1) the variable location, quality and variety of products, pricing, advertising and promotion, service and office atmosphere is affecting the consumer decision subscribe PT.Telkom Plasa Telkom Speedy in Siak (2) can be in the know that the variable quality and variety of products and locations most influenced the decision to subscribe Telkom Speedy in PT.Telkom Plasa Siak.otherPerilaku Konsumenkeputusan konsumenkepuasan konsumenFAKTOR-AKTOR YANG MEMPENGARUHI KEPUTUSAN KONSUMEN BERLANGGANAN SPEEDY PADA PT. TELKOM PLASA SIAKArticle