Zully, Amaliah Ulfach2024-02-032024-02-032023-10PerpustakaanElfitrahttps://repository.unri.ac.id/handle/123456789/11279Plumeria rubra. L or also known as the red frangipani plant is a type of plant that contains various secondary metabolites and has been widely used as a medicine to cure several diseases. This research aims to isolate and characterize pure compounds from the methanol extract of Plumeria rubra flowers and then carry out antioxidant tests on the extract and fractionation results using DPPH free radicals. Phytochemical tests of Plumeria rubra flowers showed terpenoids, saponins, phenolics and flavonoids. The difference in antioxidant activity was influenced by the total levels of phenols and flavonoids so that the phytochemical results indicate that Plumeria rubra flowers have the potential to have antioxidant activity. Based on tests carried out on the methanol extract of Plumeria rubra flowers and the fractionation results show high antioxidant activity. The methanol extract from Plumeria rubra flowers has very strong antioxidant activity, with an IC50 value of 44.74 μg/mL and an AAI value of 1.78, while the F1 fraction has the best antioxidant activity with an IC50 of 39.11 μg/mL and an AAI value of 2.04.enantioxidantmethanolPlumeria rubraISOLASI DAN UJI ANTIOKSIDAN EKSTRAK METANOL BUNGA KAMBOJA MERAH (Plumeria rubra L)ElfitraArticle